Week 2 Day 3 Pt. 2

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'Okay, something's going on with him.' I thought with a sweat drop as I watched Keigo do aerial tricks around me while we flew to the agency, his feathers carrying nearby the takeout he bought for us. When he looked back at me, I smiled at him, and he got that glint in his eyes again before flying higher. My smile dropped as I became exasperated, noticing his shadow over me again. 'He's not gonna-' Before I could finish that thought, I heard a 'whoosh' in the air and was tackled by him again. "Shit-!" I cursed as we free fell for a moment, and Keigo laughed as I managed to steady us midair. "Did you like the tricks I was doing, dove? They were amazing, right?" He began asking with a grin on his face, and I politely smiled at him, trying not to show how fucking confused I am right now about his weird behavior. "Yeah, Birdie. They were great." I complimented, making him more happy.

But the sudden realization hit me. 'Birdie. Oh shit, don't tell me the fandom head cannons were right-?' I thought in shock as we landed at the agency. However, my thoughts were interrupted again when Keigo kabedoned me against the wall next to the front doors. "You have your birth control now, right?" He asked, his voice turning husky as he leaned closer to me, and I saw his wings rising and fluffing behind him to make them seem bigger. I couldn't help blushing and trying to turn my head away, but he grabbed my chin and forced me to face him, making me blush more and grin a bit with a nervous giggle as my wings fluttered a bit, my tail beginning to swish from my nerves. "U-Um, yeah. C-Can we go inside now?" I asked meekly, unable to handle his dom personality in public, but I can sense Shadow and Sera were finding it hot. "You wanna get away from me that badly, baby bird?" He asked in a murmur, his lips brushing against mine as his wings fluttered a bit, and my own wings fluttered again with his. I trembled as I began to breathe heavily while closing my eyes, feeling myself submit to him even though we were in public, and briefly noticed my tail swishing more and curling a bit in arousal.

Thankfully, the sounds of running were coming closer, and Keigo pulled back with an annoyed expression, though he pulled me into his arms and wrapped his wings around me as if to hide me from other people. I just covered my face with my hands and hid myself further against his chest, my wings tucking tight against my back as my tail curled between my legs, and I felt like I was on fire from what just happened. I'm not really a social person, so doing intense PDA like that is kinda going over my limit. "Hey, boss! We got everything done for the day! ...Is that Ōkami-san?" I heard the bird helmet sidekick call out before asking as they stopped next to us. I was going to wave at them with a small 'hi' as I continued to hide, but Keigo just wrapped me up tighter. "Is there a problem with me holding my ma- girlfriend like this?" He questioned, and my ears burned as I felt butterflies in my stomach, Shadow and Sera practically prancing around in delight that he almost called us 'mate' in public. "Uhhh, no. Is everything okay with you, Hawks? You're acting a bit weird." The Twice-wannabe pointed out. I opened my mouth to go to explain, but Keigo pressed my face more into his chest, like he didn't want me interacting with anyone. "I'm fine. Go inside and make sure that the reports are getting done. I'm going to take Emina to Amaya." He told them. "All right..." Twice-wannabe mumbled unsurely, and I heard them walk into the agency.

As soon as Keigo loosened his grip on me, I pulled my head back with a gasp, feeling stifled from having my face so pressed against him. He was just smiling adoringly at me in the meantime, but it dropped a bit when I narrowed my eyes at him with a raised eyebrow. "Kei, is it that time for you?" I questioned quietly, and he tilted his head at me as his adoring look returned. "What are you talking about, Angel?" He asked before leaning down to nuzzle into my neck. I blushed with a sweat drop when I felt him breathe in deep, like he was taking in a big whiff of my scent, but Sera seeped through a bit to wrap the tip of her tail around his ankle affectionately. "Kei, in my past life, fans would come up with their own ideas about you, like how since you have a bird mutation quirk, you have bird tendencies as well. One of those tendencies was that you go through mating season. Is this what's happening to you?" I whispered into his ear, and he started laughing. "Dove, I've never gone through 'mating season' before. It's hilarious that you think I would, though." He said as he pulled away to smile at me in amusement, but my dubious gaze hadn't changed. "Keigo, when hawks are trying to attract a female, they'll do aerial tricks and dive bomb them like how you did to me. Birds also try attracting females by puffing up and circling or cornering them to make the females notice them. You just did that, too, when you kabedoned me. Then you kept me from interacting with your sidekicks - who were male - and hid me from them in your wings like you didn't want any men taking me or didn't want me to choose another male over you. And don't think I didn't notice you almost call me 'mate' - Shadow and Sera especially picked that up and got pretty excited about it." I listed off seriously, but his smile turned seductive as he leaned back in. "Did they really? I also noticed you got excited, too, when I - what did you call it? 'Kabedoned' you? Maybe I should do that more often." He murmured, and I let out a shaky breath as I became flustered again. "Let's just have you finish up your work, and then you can do what you want with me when we get home." I said, trying to redirect his attention as I recoiled a bit in embarrassment. Shadow and Sera are seriously excited about what's going on, and I'm trying to stay in control so we don't submit to him when he's still working. Keigo let out a long sigh and plopped his head on my shoulder, letting me see his wings flutter again as he did. "Fine~. But I'm warning you - we're going to be up all night because you made me wait." He murmured, turning his face so he was speaking against my neck, and I got goosebumps from the feel of his lips and the vibration of his voice. "Mhm, yeah, let's go." I dismissed quickly as I straightened him and guided him into the building, making him laugh.

Fallen Into My Hero Academia! - Free Fall (Hawks Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now