Week 4 Day 5 Pt. 2

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~Third POV~

Bird Helmet and Twice-wannabe were pacing anxiously in front of a police station near Hawks' Agency. They had just ended a call with Emina about five minutes ago, and were fearful of the fact that they made her dangerous dragon quirk surface. "You don't think she'll hurt anyone, right?" Bird Helmet asked his teammate as he turned to him. It's bad enough that Hawks was compromised during patrol against a villain, but Yokumiru Mera has come to interrogate the villain, who was a part of a group that human-trafficked children. Hawks had told everyone in his agency to inform him when someone from HSPC - especially the President - comes to visit, that Emina dislikes the organization and it's preferable that they weren't in the same location as each other. Unfortunately, they weren't sure if they should have told Emina of Mera's presence, but even if they tried, she had hung up on them before they could.

Before Twice-wannabe could answer, a loud, deep 'whoosh' like that of a plane engine quickly sounded from above and approached them. They shielded their faces as something landed hard a few feet away, kicking up dirt and wind as they made a small crater with their feet. The two lowered their arms and felt their hearts leap into their throats as they saw Emina - more like Seraphina - storm up to them with a furious look in her gradient purple eyes, her pupils pinned tight in her anger. "Ōkami-sa- ack!" Bird Helmet choked as Sera grabbed him by his throat and lifted him a couple inches off the ground, struggling to hold him higher due to their height difference. "How could you let this happen?" She snarled, and the sidekick thrashed in her grip, clawing at her wrist and choking as he tried to breathe and speak to her. "Ōkami-san, please! Calm down! We didn't know this was going to happen! Hawks just jumped in to save a kid before we could do anything!" Twice-wannabe exclaimed, rushing to the two and grabbing Sera from her shoulder and raised arm. From her carrier, Amaya let out a mew in attempt to talk her down as well, but it was weak from her fear of Sera's anger.

Sera paused at the mention of a child, looking at Twice-wannabe with a surprised yet almost blank expression. "A hatchling?" She inquired, her eyes softening as she smiled a bit. Emina, Shadow and Sera all had a soft spot for young ones - babies, toddlers, children. Their hearts warmed and they felt proud that their mate risked himself to protect a child in danger, though they were still worried about how injured he may be. "Please let him go so we can better explain what happened." Twice-wannabe said carefully, and guided Sera slowly into lowering her arm. Once his feet were on the ground, she released Bird Helmet, and he stumbled back a bit, holding his throat while coughing. His partner went to steady him, and when he was breathing easier, they looked up at Sera, whose expression had turned cold. "Explain yourselves." She ordered. The two sidekicks glanced at each other before looking back at her warily. "We were on patrol like usual. Towards the middle of the shift, Hawks noticed something we didn't. He immediately went after a group that looked like a normal civilians, and the crowd panicked. Hawks caught one of them before going after the other two that were trying to run. He caught the second one, but the third one tried causing a distraction by targeting a civilian child. Hawks shielded the kid and got hit instead, and the guy tried snatching him and the kid. We caught him before he took off with them, and the rest of our team grabbed the other two villains involved when Hawks' feathers came loose after what happened to him. They're all in the station behind us, but there's apparently more to this than we thought." Twice-wannabe explained.

Sera narrowed her eyes at him. "What do you mean?" She questioned, and the sidekicks shuffled in place nervously. "The HSPC had to get involved after the villains were identified and Hawks was compromised. Yokumiru Mera is inside interrogating one of them right now." Twice-wannabe said cautiously, him and his teammate tensing as they braced themselves for her anger. They saw an array of emotions flicker across her face, but to their surprise, it wasn't anger that stayed. It was a thrilled glint in her eyes and a malicious grin, almost looking like a bared-teeth snarl, which was probably just as bad. Her expression made a chill go down their spines, and they were fearful of her again. "Perhaps I should assist in this interrogation." She mused before moving to go into the police station, and the sidekicks hurried to follow. "M-Maybe you should go see Hawks first!" Bird Helmet tried suggesting as they entered the building, but Sera didn't waver. "I will tend to my mate after I deal with the scum who dared to harm him." She replied darkly. Without needing any directions, Sera went down a few halls before stopping at an interrogation room, turning to look at the sidekicks behind her with the same dangerous glint in her eyes as she passed the cat carrier to them. "I suggest you either wait here or return to Hawks. I will join you once I am satisfied. Watch over the kitten as well, in the meantime." She told them, and they paled at the thought of what she might do.

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