Week 3 Day 4

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I had the biggest smile on my face, my eyes glittering with delight as I left the Driver's License Test Center. I had been studying these past few weeks for my permit using the book "Rules of the Road" ever since Keigo mentioned I could have a driver's license as an ID. I also figured it'd be handy to have, especially if I plan on going with Endeavor's team in the World Heroes' Mission event. I know it was fine in the movie when Rody drove himself and Izuku, but I don't know what will happen now. I need to stick with Izuku and protect him once the actual arcs start. Anyway, I had been studying the laws of the road, and Keigo even helped me prepare for the driving exam.


I was finishing reading over my notes again as I relaxed on the couch with Amaya sleeping in my lap. It had been the day before the end of Keigo's mating season week, and he was easing back into his normal behavior. Because of this, he had left for work, but said that he might be home late with a surprise for me. I wasn't sure what he meant by that, but shrugged it off, glad that he was getting a bit of normalcy again.

Around 5:30 in the evening, I sensed Keigo come home. With how much we bonded during the mating season, I could sense him through a tingle either from my chest, the back of my neck or my ears, or sometimes even catch his scent when I'm not in my quirk forms. Right now, I could feel it in my chest and ears, so I looked at the balcony just in time to see him fly up the building and land with an excited grin on his face. I rose an eyebrow with a smile in return, wondering why he was coming up from the streets rather than over the buildings from work. Keigo opened the balcony door and hurried to me, giving me a quick peck while rubbing Amaya's head affectionately, rousing the kitten from her nap. "Hi, loves. Emi, come with me real quick. I wanna show you something." He said, tugging me up from the couch and prompting Amaya to hop off my lap, settling on the couch instead to continue her nap. "Kei, what's going on?" I asked with a giggle as I stood and followed him to the balcony. I didn't mind going outside with him since I was wearing one of his shirts and some shorts, but he made me wear his hero jacket anyway before picking me up and hopping over the railing.

I instinctively clutched onto him, switching to my partial form as my sentient quirks and I were startled by the sudden drop, and Sera was even prepared to come out to catch us in case we failed to land. Luckily, Keigo gracefully landed, his wings unfurling to gently set us on the sidewalk, then walked us over into the underground parking garage and to a gorgeous black metallic car. My eyes widened as he stopped, setting me down carefully since I was only wearing socks instead of shoes, and had a nervous smile on his face, his wings ruffled and twitching in anticipation. "Ke- Hawks, what the hell is this?" I questioned slowly, stopping myself from saying his name in public even though there was no one in the garage, and he became more nervous as his smile widened a bit. "I remember you saying you wanted a convertible car, so I got you a top model Lexus LC." He replied a bit hesitantly, and my jaw dropped. Upon closer inspection, it was in fact a Lexus LC 500, which I knew to be one of the most expensive Japanese models up to about $120,000 at most, which is around 18 million yen. "You bought me an LC 500?!" I shrieked, making him shrink away with a wince as my voice echoed loudly in the enclosed space. "You don't like it?" He asked meekly as I circled the car, my eyes looking it over completely as I continued gaping at it. "I don't know whether to be pissed off at you for getting me this expensive ass car or so fucking happy. The excitement over it is starting to take over the shock and anger, though." I said immediately, a light incredulous giggle in my voice as I hesitated to touch the car, but I groaned and cringed away, clenching my fists to my chest. "I want to use it, but it's so pretty! I'm scared I'm gonna ruin it! I can't just leave it here like a trophy or something, though!" I complained, conflicted on whether to even touch this amazing car or not.

Keigo relaxed and chuckled as he went to side hug me, glad that I wasn't actually upset about his gift. "I already put the down payment and first payment. It's under your name, but I co-signed myself on the contract so if you have any trouble with it, I can help you out-" "Hawks!" I exclaimed, my shock and anger rising up again as I whipped to look at him, and he snapped his mouth shut. "I told you I don't want you spending all your money on me!" I continued, mortified that he could lose all that money if I accidentally wreck this car. He whimpered and gave me his baby bird eyes, sad and hurt that I was upset again. "But you're my mate. I wanna take care of you and spoil you. I have so much money that I don't know what to do with, and I want to spend it on whatever you want and need." He tried reasoning, and I sighed harshly as I covered my face in my hands, trying to calm down from my heightened emotions. Sera was stirring in me, sitting up in alert with her wings outstretched, but not raging just yet. I felt Keigo wrap his arms and wings around me, whimpering again as he nuzzled and kissed my hands. "Don't be mad, dove. Please? I love you, I just wanted to give you something special." He whined, and I sighed again. 'God, he gets hurt and emotional so easily during his mating week.' I thought to myself in exasperation.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him, making him immediately melt and kiss me back before I pulled away. "I'm going to help with the payments once I start working at U.A., okay? And no more buying me expensive stuff. I appreciate it, but I'm not materialistic. That, and I've told you already not to spend your money on a whim. Save your money. You might need it one day." I told him firmly. Keigo pouted, but nodded reluctantly before giving me a small smile. "Do you want me to help you prepare for the first part of your driver's exam?" He asked, and I rose an eyebrow while smirking in amusement. "I didn't know you knew how to drive." I teased, and I kinda meant it. It surprised me because in the anime, it only ever showed him flying, and after the Paranormal Liberation Front War, Best Jeanist drove him and Endeavor around. I just assumed he didn't know how to drive on his own. Keigo chuckled and scratched his cheek a bit. "I do know how to drive, it's just that I prefer flying. It's better than going through traffic, and it's faster. Though I understand your need for a car since you can't always ask Sera for help with flying." He replied before kissing my head. "So, you wanna test out what you've been studying?" He asked, his excitement glittering in his eyes again, and I grinned at him. "Yes!" I agreed, just as excited.

~Present Time~

Keigo and I had been practicing in my new car ever since, mainly after his time at work and in the parking lot. I always checked over the car first - which was required in the test - and Keigo drove me the first time so I can see how it works. It's kinda similar to driving in America, just flipped. I've also been vivid dreaming about driving lately with how much I've been preparing for my test, so I got used to actually driving pretty quickly. When I was sure that I was ready for the test, Keigo drove me to the License Test Center in my new car, and wished me luck before flying to work. I had researched the test beforehand and it said I should get there early since there was a line and waiting list - which didn't surprise me, the American DMV's were the same. I also had to look over and prepare for the driving course, which I managed to do. It was said that there was a small chance I would pass on the first time, but I guess luck was on my side since I passed with only 3 questions wrong on the knowledge test and one point deduced in the driver's exam. With my permit in hand, I hurried back to my car, checked it over again real quick out of habit, then drove to Keigo's agency, excited to show him my prize.

I parked my car down the street from the agency since there weren't a lot of spots nearby, then went inside, greeting everyone happily as I walked to the elevator. I took a trip up to the training room since Keigo brought Amaya with him today, and laid down to relax on the mat, smiling as Amaya came by to say hello and petting her before she ran back to play. After a couple of minutes, I felt a tingling in my neck and the tips of my ears, making me smile as I stood to see the elevator going up from the lobby. It stopped on this floor, and as soon as it opened, Keigo jogged to me with an excited and hopeful look on his face. "So? How'd it go?" He asked as he held my shoulders, looking at me from arms length. "I passed!" I replied with a grin as I held my permit up for him to see, then squealed when he picked me up in an embrace and spun us around. "That's amazing, dove! I'm so proud of you!" He exclaimed as he set me down, then kissed me passionately, making me moan a bit. He smirked at my noise and deepened the kiss, turning me into putty as he wrapped his wings and arms around me to hold me up while I clutched onto his jacket. 'Smug bastard...' I thought breathlessly as my hands trailed up to run my fingers through his hair, my permit forgotten on the floor.

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