U.A. Sports Festival Pt. 9

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"It's finally the last battle of the U.A. High School sports festival! The top of the two first years will be decided with this one match! The final, so to speak! From the hero course, Shoto Todoroki! Versus- Also from the hero course, Katsuki Bakugou! Now- Start!" Mic announced. I wheezed a bit at his dramatic movements, and again at Katsuki's stance and expression, the boy looking like an absolute menace. Immediately, Shoto touched the ground with his hand to send a large barrage of ice at Katsuki, who released quick blasts to defend himself from being encased. The ice became a large, spiked slope, similarly to the one made against Sero, but at a smaller scale. "Todoroki gets a blow in right away! Is he trying to avoid close combat with Bakugou? Has the winner been decided already?!" Mic shouted, leaning in with a raised fist in enthusiastic excitement.

The ice shook and rumbled as explosions sounded within, and the ice closest to Shoto opened to reveal Katsuki, causing shards to go flying and for Shoto to shield himself with his arms. Shoto leaped away before lunging back in, his right arm pulled back to attack Katsuki as the other boy launched himself forward out of the hole he created. As Shoto was about to touch him, Katsuki evaded to the side with a small blast, and grabbed Shoto by the top of his head and left shoulder. He landed and planted his feet before throwing Shoto, using an explosion to propel him, but Shoto formed a wall of ice to catch himself, riding the ice back to Katsuki. "He avoids going out of bounds with a wall of ice! Looks like fun!" Mic commented in interest, and I snorted in amusement. Nemuri nudged my side with her elbow, silently reminding me to take this seriously, and I cleared my throat, forcing my expression back into a stoic look.

Katsuki avoided the ice and jumped up to attack Shoto, who raised his left hand, catching Katsuki by his right arm while avoiding his explosion. "Use your left! Use it, Shoto!" Endeavor shouted from the stands, and I silently groaned with a roll of my eyes. 'Fucking Endeavor.' I grumbled. Shoto seemed to hesitate before throwing Katsuki aside, the two boys landing back on the stage and standing from their kneeling position. "With the way he grabbed Todoroki's left side on purpose and timed his explosions... He's been doing his research. That kid's abilities shine every time he fights." Aizawa spoke up. "I see." Mic hummed. "Todoroki's moving well, too, but his attacks are too simple. Ever since the match with Midoriya, he's lost his touch." Aizawa continued. 'Damn, Aizawa. Always with that brutal honesty.' I thought dryly.

Katsuki spoke to Shoto as he crackled explosions from his palms before rushing to him. Shoto remained stationary as his right side was covered more with frostbite, preparing to use his ice instead of his fire. "Todoroki!" We all heard Izuku shout from the stands, and looked to see him stand from his seat with firm determination. "Don't lose! Do your best!" He encouraged, and I grinned at my little brother's help. Katsuki blasted the ground, pushing himself into the air, and suddenly, steam began to rise from Shoto as his frostbite melted away. He stood straight and determined as his left side erupted with flames, and Katsuki coordinated his blasts, making him spin in the air and create a smoky vortex around him. However, Shoto's trauma crept back into his mind, and his fire went out as he slightly lowered his left arm and looked down.

Katsuki set off his Howitzer Impact, demolishing the ice on the arena and lighting up the whole stage. "He added momentum and rotation to the huge blast he showed us in his fight with Uraraka! He was like a human projectile! It looks like Todoroki didn't fire off the huge blast he used in his match with Midoriya, but the winner is-" Mic stopped as the smoke prevented everyone from seeing the outcome, but I pulled out a sleep injector, holding a hand out in front of Nemuri to let me handle this. I clicked the button to release the needle and kept an eye on Katsuki, preparing to throw it at him once he starts running. The smoke cleared to show him laying on his front, Shoto unconscious on his ice debris that blocked his tunnel. Katsuki strained to stand before trudging towards Shoto. Once he started running, I threw the injector, using Sera's speed so he couldn't dodge. It struck his right calf, causing him to stumble and pause before he looked down, then swayed before collapsing. "That's enough out of you two. Since Todoroki is out of bounds, Bakugou wins the final round!" I told the now unconscious boy before announcing to the crowd. They all cheered, but I sighed with my hands on my hips in disappointment that he almost went with the original timeline.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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