Affection and Emina's Past

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(A/N: I don't own the top and bottom left pic, but the bottom right one is mine)

~Come Out And Play - Billie Eilish~

The couple silently relaxed with each other for the rest of the ride, taking turns at one point to use the restroom, and Keigo bought them light snacks and drinks to tide them over for the rest of the day. Once they were off the train, Emina left his side to throw away their trash while he tended to his fans for the third time that day. Unfortunately, she noticed more people talking bad about Keigo a ways away from him and his fans. "How do people like him? He acts like a carefree idiot all the time." One guy questioned. His female companion shrugged with a sneer at Keigo. "I don't know. Apparently, some of the other heroes don't like working with him because of his attitude and he likes getting under people's skin on purpose. The younger generation probably thinks that's cool and funny, but he's just teaching them how to be rude to others." She told him.

Emina was getting upset by their words, the glare she gave the other haters turning darker, her nearly black eyes slowly turning red as she heard Shadow growl in her mind. 'We should teach them a lesson not to mess with our mate. Maybe threaten them or hurt them a bit to get the point across.' She suggested maliciously. Emina was tempted for a split second before gritting her teeth, trying to remain calm and in control. 'We made an agreement, Shadow. No harming the innocent - that means all civilians.' She reminded the wolf firmly. 'They aren't innocent. They're ridiculing our mate without actually knowing his true strength.' Shadow growled. 'That's intentional, remember? Keigo plays the carefree idiot in order to make villains think he's weak. It gives him an advantage in a fight. We can't expose that for him.' Emina told her.

The pair finally noticed her angry glare, making them a bit scared and uncomfortable, so they left. 'I think we should still teach them a lesson. They were being rude themselves - talking bad about Keigo behind his back and around us. They should be punished.' Shadow grumbled in persistence, and Emina's eyes followed them. She felt Sera begin to stir within her, her eyes getting specks of purple as the dragon was prepared to 'defend' Keigo as well.

Suddenly, Emina was pulled into familiar arms, red wings shielding them from view as she looked up at Keigo in shock. He looked a bit disappointed and stern at her, though his eyes held slight worry. 'Mate.' Both Shadow and Sera purred before settling. It weirded her out that they were thinking like actual animals, but let it slide as she stared at her boyfriend's golden eyes. "Emina, I thought I told you not to worry about my haters?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow. "You looked like you wanted to hurt them because of what they were saying, too. Were you going to give in to Shadow's words? I saw that your eyes were red." He added, making her look down in slight shame. "I'm sorry, Kei. It's just that Shadow and Sera like you now, and none of us like anyone being rude to you." She murmured.

Keigo took her chin gently and tilted her head back up, and Emina noticed his expression had lightened a bit with delight. "They like me now?" He asked in confirmation, and she nodded. His expression became completely happy as he kissed all over her face, starting with her forehead, then her eyes, cheeks, nose, and chin, making her giggle. He paused a bit as their lips nearly touched, looking in her eyes to see if she wanted this. She took a deep breath, feeling her insides burn and coil with need as her heart raced, then kissed him.

Their kiss started out chaste, Emina's hands on his chest while Keigo held her hips, but they soon began moving their lips, not using their tongues just yet. He held her tighter to him, wrapping his arms around her and pressing her flush against him as she moved her hands to caress his face before running her fingers through his blonde hair. He pulled away from her, the both of them slightly panting as they stared at each other in desire. Keigo then pulled back his wings and picked Emina up bridal style, a determined look mixing with his lust. "Hold on." He told her, giving her time to wrap her arms around his neck before he took off into the sky, flying them quickly back to the penthouse, and he held her tighter as she cringed at her ears popping while hiding her face into his neck.

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