Bonding Pt. 2

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(A/N: I don't own these 👆)

~Anyone Else - PVRIS~

As they ate, Emina changed her contact names for a moment then went to the messages on her phone to text All Might, asking if he and Nezu could meet today in the afternoon. He replied back in agreement, then asked when he should meet her at the train station. As she went to look up the train schedules, she got a message from Izuku.

(A/N: she has her contacts with nicknames and emojis representing everyone.
All Might is 'I Am Here 😁'.
Izuku's is 'Academia Boy 🥦'.
Keigo's is 'Birdie ❤️'.)

Academia Boy 🥦

Good morning, Emina-san! I heard from All Might that you're trying to get a job at U.A.! I hope you get the position you're hoping for so we can see each other more often once we both get in 😁


Good morning, Izuku. Thank you for your support ☺️ How is your training going?

Izuku sent Emina a picture of himself grinning with an arm flex, the background being the beach he was training at mostly clean, only a little less than a quarter left to go.

Academia Boy 🥦

It's going great! Even though I'm tired, I'm too determined to become a hero to stop training 😁

Emina smiled at the message a bit softly and proudly.


That's good, but remember to drink plenty of water, do stretches before you begin training and take a few breaks so you don't hurt yourself, okay?

Academia Boy 🥦

Thanks for the advice, Emina-san! I'm going to go back to my training now. I'll talk to you later! 😄


Okay, good luck 😊

Emina closed her messages window and went back to look over the train schedules.

"Who's that you were texting?" Keigo asked feigning curiosity as he glanced at Emina, though he was trying to hide his jealousy. He didn't like that she was possibly messaging another guy, that she may have exchanged numbers with someone while she was at McDonald's or the beach. He especially didn't like the smile she had as she messaged the person, only ever seeing that smile towards him when he was tending to his fans, she was complimenting him or eyeing him in whatever he was wearing. Emina had a small idea that Keigo might be jealous, but brushed it off, not knowing why he would be when she's only ever shown that she wanted him.

She looked at him and gave him a wider smile, feeling happy with the people in her new life. "Just talking to Izuku Midoriya, the boy All Might is training. I gave him my number so we could chat or he could ask for any advice, and he was just saying good morning and how his training was going. He also wished me luck with my interview at U.A. - All Might let us know that Principal Nezu is willing to meet today in the afternoon, so I'm looking up the train schedules so I can let him know when I'll be in Shizuoka." She replied, putting her phone down for a moment so she could take a bite of her sandwich.

Keigo hummed in response as he swallowed his eggs. "You really like that kid, huh?" He said. "Well, yeah. Besides the fact that he reminds me of my nephew in my old life, he's the main protagonist of this world. I want to be able to help him as much as I can, though I feel the same way with you and the other heroes and students." She told him as she glanced back at her phone fondly. "So, you basically see him as a nephew or something?" Keigo asked, trying to confirm where she stood with him and Izuku. Emina looked back at him with an amused smirk and a raised eyebrow. "More like a little brother with how old he is, but Kei, are you seriously jealous of him? He's basically a kid - I don't like minors in that way." She said, giggling at the end.

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