U.A. Sports Festival Pt. 1

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'Dear gods, please let me get through this without killing someone.' I prayed, my head in my hands as I sat in a chair alone. Today was the day of the sports festival, and unfortunately for everyone, I was on my period. I had started on Thursday, the day after Keigo came to visit me in Musutafu. Keigo let me stay home during the weekend so Shadow can brood and hide me away in the guest bedroom. Sadly, I had to return to work at U.A. today, and Keigo couldn't come since he didn't have a visitation pass for the festival. There had been enough heroes hired for security, and all of the tickets had been quickly sold out, so he had to stay and watch at his agency. My job was to be a part of security during the first half of the festival, then once the fighting tournament starts, I'll come and assist Midnight in reffing the matches.

As the festival was half an hour away from starting, I had hid myself away in one of the waiting rooms in the stadium. Shadow was pissed off from our period, and I was having trouble suppressing her without Kei here with me. I can't even rely on Izuku for comfort since he'll be busy with the festivities. I took a deep breath before letting it out in a long sigh, trying to ease Shadow's anger before we have to be among the other heroes and civilians. A knock sounded on my room's door, and I glanced up at it, holding down Shadow's urge to growl. "Who is it?" I asked. "It's me. Can I come in?" Aizawa said, and I sighed as I put my head back in my hands. "Yeah." I replied, trying not to sound annoyed because of Shadow.

Aizawa stepped in and immediately closed the door behind him, helping me stay hidden in my borderline volatile state. He walked up to me and kneeled in front of me, lifting a hand up to ruffle my hair a bit. Surprisingly, it calmed Shadow down a bit, though it's probably because we both weren't expecting him to do that. "Are you doing okay?" He asked softly, and I glanced up at him from behind my hands. "You surprised Shadow a bit, so she's sort of calmed down, but I'm having a hard time keeping her reined in. I feel like it was a mistake for me to come here, especially since I'm technically not needed. Nothing bad's gonna happen - I just wanna make sure the kids don't go too far with each other." I explained, feeling stressed about the idea of our big three kids wrecking each other or themselves in their fight for first place, as well as that Shadow may rampage at any little trigger. I then buried my face in my hands again with a groan, remembering that Endeavor's here and going to agitate Shoto, his presence already making Shadow - and now Sera - more pissed.

"Hmm. Well, I can't help you with that since I'll be in the announcer's booth with Mic. I'm sure Shadow won't enjoy how loud he'll be. And you're sure your boyfriend can't be here?" Aizawa said before asking, and I shook my head, moving a hand down to gently hold the feather attached to my necklace. Keigo had given it to me last week, insisting on giving me a new one as soon as his wings started growing out enough to produce a feather the length of my palm. The feather fluffed as soon as I touched it, and no doubt Kei was listening in on our conversation. The thought of it soothed Shadow some more, making her lay down with her head on her paws and let out a whine as she missed him as well. "He doesn't have a ticket or a pass. I can't ask him to come here anyway. He's busy with work, and already took time off to come see me while he recovered his wings last week." I replied, but he rose an eyebrow at me, looking at me like I was an idiot. "And neither of you thought to just talk to each other over the phone instead?" He questioned, and I paused, looking at him wide eyed in realization.

Suddenly, my phone rang, and when I pulled it out to see who it was, I giggled before answering the phone, putting it on speaker. "I didn't think of that. Thanks for the tip, Eraser Head!" Keigo spoke over the phone, sounding like his usual cheeky self. I could feel Shadow and Sera stirring at his voice, the quirks getting elated and making me smile wide. "Whatever. If her quirks rampage, it's on you for not being fast enough to get a spot on staff for the festival." Aizawa told him in an indifferent yet firm tone, and stood to go to the door. "Don't take long. The first event will start soon." He added to me as he opened the door, and when I nodded, he exited the room and closed the door behind him.

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