Rescue Mission

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(A/N: bit of a long chapter, almost 7000 words. Warning - there will be disturbing descriptions in this chapter such as gore, attempted / mentions of rape, molestation, and child harm. I honestly suggest you skip the third POV part if you're uncomfortable with this, or just skip this whole chapter since it's just a filler continuation of the Week 4 Day 5 chapters. The next chapter will also be a continuation filler, then afterwards, we'll move on to the sports festival.)


It was Wednesday, the day after my sleepwalking incident. Keigo had sent me a good morning text, which I messaged back, but I didn't mention to him that I'd be seeing Prez today. It made me feel guilty since we had promised not to keep anything from each other. Two things made it worse for me - one was that the last time I got upset with him about keeping secrets, it had been because of Prez, and now I'm being a hypocrite and doing the same to him. The other thing was that I didn't have one of his feathers for my necklace anymore, the previous feather had broken from the USJ incident. As much as I wanted a new one, he'd be able to sense what I'd be doing, going against what Prez had ordered from me, and the last thing I wanted was for her to try to hurt us for going against her. It infuriated Shadow and Sera, and I had to do my best to suppress their anger yesterday while I was spending the day off with the Midoriya's. I'm having to continue holding them down as I went to the HSPC Headquarters in Tokyo, going to see Prez for whatever she needed to talk to me about. Principal Nezu had given me permission to leave school right after home room so I could attend this meeting, but I was to return by lunch so I could attend the hero-course training classes.

I pocketed my phone once I reached the tall department building, having been following the directions on my maps app, and I noticed the two security guards that were posted at the gates staring hard at me. "What's your business for being here?" One of them demanded, and I rose an eyebrow at him. I guess it made sense why they didn't recognize me - I suppose I'm still not a well-known hero, having avoided the press and social media so I'd not stand out on purpose. Amaya had stayed at the school with Aizawa since I knew whatever Prez wanted from me was going to be dangerous, and I didn't want her getting caught up in it if I had to get it done today.

I dug through my purse and pulled my wallet out before showing them my hero's license. "I'm Reverie. The Commission President requested me to see her at my earliest convenience, so here I am." I explained, spreading my arms out in a shrug before putting my wallet away, sticking my license in my armored jacket pocket since I had the feeling I'd be needing to show it a lot while I'm here. The two guards looked at each other for a moment before nodding, pressing a button to open the gate for me. "We'll let the receptionist and the President know you're here. Someone will be waiting for you to show you to her office." The other guard said, and I nodded before walking through the gates. I heard it shut behind me, and I quietly sighed as I walked through the parking lot to the building entrance, hearing Shadow grumbling and cursing about how annoying this all was in my mind.

As the guard said, the receptionist assigned a guide for me, and I was led up the stairs and down a bunch of halls to the office. As we walked, I saw at least 30 office workers and HSPC recruits, as well as a few low-ranking heroes that I didn't recognize. To my surprise and more to my quirks' anger, I briefly saw Endeavor before he went down a different hall. Shadow and Sera hated him for what he did to his family, especially to Rei, Touya and Shoto, but I mostly just disliked him. He was still in his asshole, self-centered stage, so I don't like him whatsoever at the moment, but I think I'll be more accepting towards him once he goes through his redemption arc. It's a maybe, though, because I don't know if my existence will keep him from changing. 'Hell, if it does, I'll kick his ass and make him change myself. Fucking get his head out of his ass.' Shadow grumbled. 'Agreed. I do not care if our mate favors and idolizes him. He hurt his family and the people we consider close, even if they do not know us personally yet. We will correct him if he does not show any signs of change.' Sera said, her ethereal, regal voice calm even though I could feel her defensive anger for the Todoroki family. 'Calm down, you two. We'll deal with it when the time comes. For now, I need you to not freak the fuck out while I talk with Prez about whatever the hell is going on.' I told them sternly as the guide and I stopped at a door, seeing Mera seated at a desk nearby. We both nodded in acknowledgment to each other before the guide knocked on the door, and he opened it for me once Prez called us in.

Fallen Into My Hero Academia! - Free Fall (Hawks Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora