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It was nighttime at U.A., the day before the school reopened, and some of the faculty members were gathered to discuss about the USJ incident. I was seated between Vlad King and Aizawa across from Nezu and All Might, leaning back in my chair with my arms crossed as we listened to Detective Tsukauchi's report. "The police have investigated the group calling themselves 'The League of Villains', and there does not appear to be anyone registered with the name Shigaraki in his 20s or 30s with a quirk that lets him disintegrate whatever he touches. It's the same with the villain called Kurogiri with the warp gate. They are probably not citizens and are using false names. In other words, they are people with unregistered quirks who are part of society's underbelly." He told us. "You mean, we don't know anything..." Vlad said as he looked down with furrowed eyebrows. "We must hurry. Once their ringleader, Shigaraki's gun wounds heal, they'll definitely try again. It'll be a pain." Snipe urged.

"Their ringleader, huh?" All Might murmured. "What is it, All Might?" Nezu asked. "It was a bold attack that normal people wouldn't carry out even if they thought of it. To suddenly go on and on with his wolf statements like that... Although he didn't reveal his own quirk, he bragged about that Nomu's quirk... And when things didn't go the way he wanted, he was visibly upset. Well, the incident with the quirk was to also force my hand, but..." All Might explained, trailing off a bit. "Even so, it was foolish to throw away the advantage of having unknown quirks when fighting against heroes." Nezu stated. "He made immature, wild statements with a straight face. He bragged about his possessions. He thought everything would simply go his way. Adding that to what I saw of him when he carried out the attack, the picture I get of Shigaraki is... someone who hasn't gotten rid of his childish sense of omnipotence- A man-child." All Might added. "A child with power?" Vlad questioned, and I got an awkwardly sheepish smile on my face from their description of Tomura. "Could it be that he never received the quirk counseling every child gets in elementary school?" Midnight wondered. "Well, what does that have to do with anything?" Snipe retorted. 'Um, everything?' I thought, closing my eyes with a sweat drop from how clueless they all were. Then again, I learned all of this in my past life because this was all an anime.

"There were 72 villains arrested the other day at USJ. They were all small-timers that lurked in back alleys. But the problem is how they all agreed with that man-child and followed him. In the current environment saturated with heroes, villainous people who have been oppressed may be drawn to that kind of simple-minded evil." Tsukauchi explained. "That's true." Vlad mumbled. "There are plenty of people who don't know what to do with their quirks." Snipe said. "This is alarming, though..." Midnight added softly. "Well, it's thanks to you heroes that we are able to devote ourselves to our investigation. We'll expand our research network and continue to assist in arresting the perpetrators." Tsukauchi told us.

"A man-child..." Nezu murmured in thought, then looked at me. "Ōkami-san, you have knowledge that we lack of all of this. Is there anything you can provide that may help us?" He asked, and I chewed the inside of my lip a bit. "I can't give out any locations. That information wasn't specific in my past life when I watched everything unfold on television. However, I can explain a bit about Shigaraki's and Kurogiri's quirk and backstory, and how all of this orchestration was possible." I said, and he nodded. "Go ahead." He told me, gesturing for me to begin, and I looked down at the table in solemn thought. "You were right that they're using false names - Shigaraki and Kurogiri. In reality, they're literally considered dead to society. A long time ago, Kurogiri used to be a new hero, but had died in an accident. Sometime after, he was reanimated into a form of a Nomu. The only difference is that he's more knowledgeable than the Nomu we fought at USJ. I don't know exactly how it works, it's been a while since I did the research for that, but he ended up becoming Shigaraki's... caretaker, I guess you can say. As for Shigaraki, he grew up in a sort of toxic household as a kid. His father, who hated heroes yet wasn't a villain, hurt Shigaraki because Shigaraki liked heroes and wanted to be one someday. That, and his dad was just a jerk that abused him for anything. His grandparents and mom didn't do anything to stop the dad, and Shigaraki's sister was too young to do anything either. Shigaraki eventually manifested his quirk, Decay, I think around age 4. It was completely by accident when he first used it - he was getting comfort from his dog before he accidentally killed it. His sister had seen, and in a panic and wanting help, Shigaraki grabbed his sister and killed her as well. He became too distressed and began destroying his home, killing his mom and grandparents in the process. The last one who died was his dad, who Shigaraki killed intentionally after all the abuse he put him through. Shigaraki's appearance changed from the quirk-use, so no one who knew him would recognize him. He had left his home behind and wandered the streets in search of a hero who could help him. However, the citizens were too scared and disturbed by him to help guide him. Eventually, a villain found and adopted him. He gave Tomura Shigaraki his new name, raised him to be powerful and to hate society, both regular and hero. The villain gave him everything he wanted and didn't discipline him or teach him the things children and teens should know - hence him being a man-child. Now at 20 years of age, Shigaraki's master is having him learn how to be a Symbol of Evil to oppose All Might, letting Shigaraki orchestrate attacks and helping him gather followers, either mercenaries or actual members, but he isn't actually teaching him. He's letting Shigaraki learn through experience. Tomura may seem like a man-child, and although he hasn't been educated or disciplined properly, he's still intelligent. As time goes on, he'll become more strategic and mature. Either way, he's someone we should be wary of." I explained, then looked up at everyone. They were all surprised by my knowledge, Tsukauchi even writing notes on what I said. I didn't mind him doing that or knowing that I was originally from a different dimension - he's a trusted character and close friend of All Might's, so I trusted him not to leak out my personal information.

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