Attack on USJ Pt. 1

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"For today's hero basic training, it's turned into a class with four instructors, All Might, Emina and me, and one more person." Aizawa began. It was the first day of the second week of school. I had gone home to Keigo the day after the school break in, but I had been too busy working with his agency and stressing about today that I didn't get to enjoy my time back with him. I kind of felt bad, but he seemed to understand after I told him what would be happening. He just cuddled with me once we were on break during work or when we got home, knowing that his hugs and wings would ease my worries a bit. I had also brought Amaya this week, the kitten spending her time in her special room next to the lounge. All Might was probably going to be with her for a while once he gets to the school, being late from doing too much hero work on a school day again.

"Excuse me! What'll we be doing?" Sero asked with a raised hand, and Aizawa showed a card that said 'Rescue'. "Disasters, shipwrecks, and everything in between. It's rescue training." I announced as I went to stand next to Aizawa, and I smirked as I noticed him looking at me sourly for stealing his line again. The class began chatting amongst themselves again, and Aizawa leaned in a bit. "All Might still isn't here?" He questioned quietly, and I shook my head, frowning a bit. "He'll show up to school as we start the lesson, but he won't join until near the end of the fight. He's used up too much energy, so he needs some time to recover before joining us." I murmured back to him, and he grunted before looking back at the class.

"Hey, I'm not done." Aizawa interrupted the chatter with a tired deadpan. "You can decide if you want to wear your costume or not this time. Because there are probably costumes that limit your abilities, too." He said, then gestured to the wall panels, them opening up to reveal the costume cases. "The training will take place off-campus, so we're taking a bus. That's all. Go get ready." I added, shooing them at the end before following Aizawa out of the room.

After some time passed, the students all arrived outside of the main building in their hero costumes, though Izuku was wearing his gym clothes instead of his jumpsuit since it was damaged during the combat training. Soon, Iida blew a whistle and called for everyone's attention, instructing them to go on the bus in an orderly fashion before continuing to whistle at them. As they all took their seats and the bus began moving, I couldn't help bouncing my leg anxiously as I stood by the front of the bus. "Calm down, Reverie. We'll make it through this." Aizawa grumbled from right next to me, bumping his leg against mine to make it stop, and I chuckled sheepishly.

"Sorry. Just nervous about the first big fight event." I said, and he grumbled before looking back at our bickering students. "We're here. Stop messing around." He told them, and they all replied with a, "Yes, sir!" I sighed and looked ahead at the dome building we were approaching. 'Here we go.' I thought reluctantly.

We all got off the bus once it stopped, and found Thirteen waiting by the building entrance. "Everyone, I have been waiting for you." She said, and they all got excited over her. "Let's go inside without delay." She told them, not minding their excitement as she gestured behind her. "Looking forward to working with you!" They exclaimed with a bow before we all followed her inside. The students were in awe once they saw the building interior. "Wow, it looks like Universal Studios Japan!" One of them said.

"A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a windstorm, et cetera - It is a training ground that I made with different types of accidents and disasters. It's called the 'Unforeseen Simulation Joint,' or 'USJ' for short!" Thirteen introduced, spreading her arms out before posing, pointing at the students dramatically. "Thirteen, where's All Might? He was supposed to meet us here." Aizawa questioned, and I sweat dropped. 'Bro, I literally told you before we came here that he won't show up.' I thought in exasperation. 'He probably just wants confirmation. Stay focused on your surroundings. You don't want to be blanked out when the fight starts.' Shadow told me, her and Sera on alert as well.

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