Week 3 Day 2

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I was completely right about Keigo being in mating season. The rest of the week, he had been so horny and clingy, I had to call his agency to let them know we wouldn't be coming in for a couple days, lying that Hawks was sick and I had to stay and take care of him. His sidekicks were completely fine about it and sent their well wishes, but I had to hang up soon after, noticing that Keigo was getting possessive and defensive again, looking like he wanted to snatch the phone from my hand and throw it across the room so he could have me to himself. He actually did that one time when I was on the phone with Nemuri, Mic and Aizawa about our upcoming meetup at Shizuoka.


We were sitting in bed naked, a typical thing as the days went on during the mating season, and Amaya was playing in the living room as we relaxed at home. Keigo was resting back against the headboard and pillows, his arms around my waist and his wings draped over the pillows as he nuzzled into my neck. I was sitting between his legs with my back to him, rubbing his arms and smiling from the ticklish feeling I was getting from his nuzzles as I talked on the phone. "Emina~! When are you and Hawks gonna be able to hang out with us~?" Mic whined over the phone, him, Nemuri and Aizawa currently at a bar to drink, and it seemed like Mic and Nemuri were already pretty tipsy, probably borderline drunk. "Mic, Hawks isn't feeling well this week, and I don't know when he'll get better. I'm sure as hell not leaving him on his own like this, so the meetup will have to wait a while longer." I told him with a slight giggle, amused by his whining, and my smile grew as I heard him and Nemuri 'boo' at me. "You're no fun~!" Nemuri slurred in complaint. "Enough, both of you. Emina, take the time you need for Hawks to get better. There's still plenty of time for all of us to meet before classes start up." Aizawa scolded them before telling me in bored reassurance, being the only most sober one of the trio. "Thanks, 'zawa. You know, just for that, I'll bring Amaya with us, too, so you can play with her." I replied, teasing a bit at the end with a smirk, and Nemuri started cackling over the phone. "Oh my god, he got so happy from that, he perked up like a fucking pet!" She exclaimed before continuing laughing, getting so bad that she was starting to wheeze. "Nemuri, breathe." I chuckled, a small inside joke with myself since my mom and I used to say the same thing to my dad when he laughed really hard, and she started laughing again, Mic now laughing with her.

"Hey, hey, what drinks should we get you when you come over, Emi? And Hawks, too." Mic asked as he calmed down, his voice slurring as well the more he got drunk. "Wine or margarita. No mango or pineapple, I don't like either of those flavors. And get Hawks a sweet drink, too." I replied, my smile turning warmer as I felt Keigo hug me tighter and press his face more against the crook of my neck. "Baby bird, hang up already." He grumbled, his voice muffled against my skin, and my skin tingled from the feel of his lips moving on me. "What~? I thought you'd be a vodka or whiskey kinda girl~!" Nemuri said in drawled out astonishment, and I chuckled, hearing Keigo begin to grumble more at me for not doing what he said. "I haven't tried bourbons before, so I don't know about that, but I'm not really into vodka. Anyway, I'm not a hardcore drinker, and I've never actually gotten drunk before, so I'd prefer sticking to lighter sweet drinks, please." I explained politely, still being formal with them since we're still getting used to each other. "You shouldn't have said that. They're probably going to trick you into getting drunk off your ass when we meet now." Aizawa warned, making Nemuri cackle again. "Hell yeah we are!" She agreed wholeheartedly. "Don't worry, Aizawa. I'll be sure to only have half or a full glass at most if they try. I'll keep track of myself since I really don't want to find out what I'm like when I'm drunk." I reassured in amusement, and Nemuri and Mic booed at me again. "Besides, the last thing any of us want is my quirks going on a rampage from the alcohol if I'm an angry or sad drunk. We really don't want Seraphina coming out to play since she'll get pissed if I wake her up for no reason. Actually, Shadow might come out just for the hell of it, but she's more tolerable at least." I added, contemplating at the end. At the mention of them, my two sentient quirks huffed at me before curling back up to sleep in my mind, making me smirk a bit. "Aww, I wanna see you drunk~!" "We'll take care of you, Emi~!" "Why can't you just come over now~?" Nemuri and Mic bounced back and forth, whining like the drunken adults they are.

Fallen Into My Hero Academia! - Free Fall (Hawks Love Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang