so i can move the mountains.

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An: i suck with dates and ages and this is probably wrong. i know Andy is canonicly the same age as Maya and older as Vic, but Maya and her started at the Academy together and Maya is born 88 and she started at the academy after she won the olymics 2012. Which makes her atleast 24, we know she backpacked through Kathmandu and that had to be a little after her race because of her sprain, but i can also imgine her just backpacking with a fucked up foot. So lets say she is 25 when she started at the academy. I am not familiar with the American education system but i am somewhat sure you leave school somewhere between 17-20 usually. Now i Vic, we know, almost got a theater degree, i don't know 4 years? But i can't think of anything that would have kept Andy from starting at the Academy right after she finished school. So in my version, she did a gab year. Work and travel in porto rico and then started at the Academy, when she was 20. Making her 5 years younger than Maya.
So this is my version
Carina: born in April 1985
Maya: born August 1988
Vic: born May 1989
Andy: born January 1993

We are now in December of 2022

The weeks went by and it was time for their appointment. Carina had blood drawn and then they waited again.
Mayas hands were sweaty, but that didn't keep Carina from clutching it.

"Okay. Dr. Deluca-Bishop. Your Beta hgc is 120. That is not bad. We want to see that double in the next two days."

The next appointment was two days before Christmas. They had spent the last two days decorating and eating cookies. Andy had been very miserable, her divorce took longer than expected and was so much harder and so they spent a lot of time to raise Andys mood. They watched Christmas movies and drank hot chocolate.

The appointment came and the HCG had risen to 389."That is great." Said Dr. Sherman. "Congratulations. You are pregnant." They said and hugged the couple gently. "I'd say you scedule another appointment in 2  months and then you'll graduate from my care and go back to your usual OB." "Thank you so much." "Now i have to prepare you. You are not over the critical phase. There is still a lot that can happen, but you are strong and this fetus is strong so, just hold on the hope." "Thank you."

They went home and spent the entire rest of the day cuddling by the fire and smiling and thinking about all the things in the future. When Andy came home, they basically jumped on her. All three of them were so excited and Andy had a surprise aswell. She was moving out. She had found a place and would be moving shortly after New Years. Maya was a little bid sad, that her friend didn't live next door anymore soon. But she was also excited to not be teased on, whenever she walked in on them or heared them, when they were occupied...

Both Carina and Maya had to work on Christmas eve up to Christmas morning. But they decided to go to the Christmas Dinner at Bailey and Bens. Their shift were very hectic and so they were greatful for a nice calm evening with their friends.
They had a lot of fun an eventally they decided to tell everyone, that their first try had worked.
"We have some updates." Carina said loudly. Everyone was done with the dinner and they were sitting in the living room around the tree just after everyone had given out their presents. A few "Oh."s and "Ah."s were heard then it was very silent. "We have had the second beta-test two days ago and as of then..." Maya said looking at her wife. "I am officially pregnant." Carina said and smiled. The entire room erupted. They were so happy for the couple. They cheered and the hugged them. "Lets pray, the fetus stays." Carina said. "Oh. I am so happy for you." Said Miranda and was almost crying.

"We made Miranda cry." Maya stated as they were cuddling in bed after the festivities. "Yeah. We did." "They all looked so happy." "Yeah. It was awesome to see everyone so happy." Maya smiled, she lifted Carinas top and spoke to the fetus.
"Hey little one, did you hear that. All our friends are so excited to meet you. They are going to take such good care of all of us. We all love you so much. Your moms love you so much." She kissed Carinas stomach and then Carinas lips. "What would you want the baby to call you?" Maya asked "Hm?" Carina looked confused. "Well with us being two moms we can both me mommy or mom or you can ba mamma because thats what you called your mom." "I'd love to be mamma and you'd be mommy or mom, when they are older." "Yeah." Maya smiled and kissed Carina again. "I would also like to teach them italian." "I figured. Then i have to actually make an effort to learn, because i don't want you two to be plotting on me." "Oh. That is going to happen. But Bambina, you actually got quite good. I mean your speaking knowledge is okay, but your comprehension knowledge is very good." "Well the pandemic must have been good for something." Maya laughed. They snuggled closer together, switched of the lights and fell asleep.

Unfortunatly a few days after all of the pregnacy symptoms started to hit Carina at once. She was very moody. Crying at every little thing. For example the apple she ate wasn't crunchy enough. Food aversions to both of their demise nothing made Carina sicker than eggs and Coffee. No french toast and no coffee, that made the italian very unhappy. Especially, because she was tired all the time. Maya had to pick her up on the second day of her Symptoms, because she was so weak after half a day of work, that Amelia didn't want her to drive herself home.
She craved the most disgusting food combinations. One of her favorite was yogurth with granola and instead of fruit she put pickles in. That almost sent Maya to the toilet. Morning sickness was also a thing, except Carina was sick almost everyday from 8:30pm to 11 pm. Which did only contribute to their lack of sleep.
All of these things were the reason, they didn't celebrate New Year with the others going out, but rather stayed home ate takeout and watched movies. Carina was so tired she fell asleep shortly after feeling a little better. She had thrown up all the Asian noodles again. Maya set an alarm and woke her up 5 Minutes before midnight.
They had the best and comfiest New Years ever. All snuggled up in Bed next to eachother with some juice to toast. Carina had an absolut Aversion to anything sparkly now. They kissed eachother long and smiled. "Happy new Year." They said and just enjoyed eachothers presence.

The days that followed were very hecktic. They had a lot of work. Maya had barely a minute to eat something on shift and Carina was struggling with lots of worried pregnant people, while being a worried pregnant person herself. Andy was packing her things on her days off and Maya helped her whenever she could, but her, Theo and Jack had kind of agreed to go over all paperwork the captain did, after he had forgotten to order suplies for the Aid Car. That ment on top of their Lieutenant work they did a third of the capatins work.

For Andy another special day came close. Her 30th Birthday. She was a few years younger than Vic and Maya, having joined the academy right after school and not after the Olympics or a nearly completed musical theater diploma.

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