How unfair is just our luck

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Vic loved party planing. She helped Andy greatly with her birthday preperationes. Andy just wanted a small party with the station family, but then ended up with a few more guests from the hospital, her family and some more people. They prepared Vics parents restaurant again and Andy was so greatful for all the help from her friends.
The party was on January 22ed. A few days after her actuall birthday. But that didn't stop Carina to bake her cupcakes and bring it to her on her actuall birthday. Only to eat them herself, because Andy was on shift and that made her increadibly frustrated. After she had eaten all twelve cupcakes, she called Maya and cryed. Maya was confused at first but did get Carina to stop crying eventually.

The day of the party arived and Carina had felt surprisingly well the day before and the day of. Her and Maya got dressed and almost didn't make it in time- another symptome of Carinas was being horny all the time. They did eventually make it and were amazed by all the pretty decoration. There was a fotobooth and a guest book. Music and a buffet of Polish food and Puerto rican food. There were three different cakes plus cupcakes and all the candy in the world.  The evening went great. Maya and Vic had made a funny song for Andy. They had changed the lyrics from "Sweet Caroline" to "Our sweet Andy." And quoted all of the questionable decicions and funny things Andy ever made. The boys, Travis, Theo, Jack, Dean and Ben had made a little play. Where each one of them played Andy once and then the rest played themselves and the acted out funny incidents that did actually happen. They danced and sung and had a great time. Especially when Andy and Carina fought out a dance battle, both having been competitive dancers as a kid. Andy in Salsa and Carina in Comerical. Everyone else cheered for the both of them and they decided Andy had won, because it is her birthday. Carina agreed and said that in three year, when she was going to be 40 there will be a revange.

Maya and Carina ended up taking Jake home just after midnight because he had had one to many and thrown up all over the bathroom floor. Marsha was going to take care of him, but they had to bring him to her. They also decided to go home themselves after. It was the first evening Carina didn't spend puking in the bathroom and they wanted to catch up on some sleep, also maybe continue what they had done before they left for the party.

The next day Maya woke up to Carina shaking her and was completely shooked when she saw her wife crying. "Whats wrong?" "I'm bleeding?" Carina sobed. "What?" Maya realized Carina wasn't wearing pants and she had blood running down her legs. "Oh my god." This wasn't just spoting or light bleeding. This was heavy and Carina was pale as a ghost. "Okay my love." Maya said, and guided a shaky Carina back to the bathroom. She got out some pad sticked them in some underwear and pulled out an old towel and an old pair of sweatpants. She quickly helped Carina in the clothes, the ladder full on crying and sobbing and clutching her abdomen and then put some clothes on herself. She just threw a Jacket over her sleepshirt and pulled on a pair of leggins and went to grab the car keys and her phone. "It hurts." "Lets get you to the hospital."
While diving, she called Jo Willson, who was a student of Carinas and therefore Carina trusted in her knowledge. "Jo. Its Maya. I need your help. We are on the way to the hospital. Carina is 9 weeks pregnant and she is bleeding a lot. She is also in pain." "Okay. I will meet you at the parking lot." Jo said. "Thank you. We will be there in 3 minutes." Mayas anxiety was through the roof. She was so scared for their baby and Carina, who did not look good at all. She had put the towel underneth Carina to protect the seat, but with Carina shifting and turning in pain, it was total unusefull. "We are almost there, my love. Just breathe" "It hurts. I'm scared." Carina wimpered. "I know. I know. Breathe. Breathe with me." They both took some shaky breaths as they drove into the hospital parking lot. "Hey. " Jo said as Maya opened the door. Carina was on the verge of passing out. Jo had luckily brought a gurny and her and Maya got her on it quickly. She was turned to the side, breathing rapidly and loosing colour in her face by the minute. "I love you, babe." Maya said, with tears in her eyes herself. "Just breathe Good. I know it hurts. Just breathe"

They wheeled her in a bay and Jo immidiatly got the ultra sound ready. A nurse put a line in Carinas arm and gave her some fluids. "Okay, lets look for a heartbeat." Jo said and everyone waited for the woshing sound, but nothing came. "There is no baby." Jo said. Carina lifted her head. Jo said. "i'm sorry." She moved the ultrasound for Carina to see. Carina just nodded. "There is hoever a lot of blood and i don't know where it comes from, i need to take you up to the OR. Get me some labs and get a transfusion ready. "I am so sorry." Carina wispered to Maya, who hadn't said a word yet. Carina was getting incresingly more tired and fighting unconciouseness. "I am sorry, too." Maya said. "But its not your fault?Jo? We didn't do anything?" "No. It is not any of you guyses fault." "I could be. Age, and exessive exercise. I am...Its.. I..." Carina was paniking. "Baby. Baby. Breathe. Look at me. Breathe breathe. I love you. I'll wait for you." The minute Carina was calming down a little, her eyes fluttered close and her bp droped. "Okay. Lets go lets go. Make sure she gets steriods in pre-op."

They moved the gurney away and left Maya standing there totaly unsure of what she was supposed to do or feel. Every sound got increasingly louder. Every movement faster it all seamed to get closer to her. She ran outside, but there it wasn't much better. Her thoughts were running rampend and she was so scared for Carina. She slid down on the outside wall of the Hospital and pressed her fingers in her ears, it didn't help. She couldn't breathe, she couldn't speak. Everything in her was screaming.

Amelia saw the blonde crouching on the floor, crying and sturggling to breathe. She went up to her. "Maya? Maya? What happend? Where is Carina? Maya. Whats wrong?" But Maya didn't seem to hear her. "Maya. Can you breathe? Are you hurt?" Amelia touched her Arm, but Maya flinched away. "Maya. Look at me. Its okay. You are having a panikattack. Breathe. Breathe. Can you understand me?" Maya didn't respond but she took her fingers out of her ears. "Good. Good. Now just listen to me. Just my voice." Mayas eyes darted away to all the other people all the Aid-Cars and everyone in the busy ER. "No.  No. Look at me. Breathe in for 4 hold for 4 breathe out for 4 hold for 4." Amelia revised that exercise a few times. A nurse brought them a portable oxygen bottle with a mask and that helped Maya a lot, but it did take Amelia almost 30 Minutes to calm Maya down enough to speak. "Carina had a miscarage. She was bleeding a lot, so Jo took her into surrgery. I... I don't know what to feel." Maya cryed and finally let Amelia pull her into a hug. "Everything you feel, is just how you are supposed to feel." The sat there  a few minutes longer, but it was January and none of the both was wearing Jackets. "Lets go inside. Its is so cold. I'll get you some tea to warm up and some updates on your wife."

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