A little bid of you, a little bid of me

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Carina recovered just in time for thanksgiving, which they didn't celebrate at the station, because A-shift wasn't sceduled, Maya wasn't on call and had no sceduled inspections or meetings so she prepared the house, while Carina cooked. She was still on medical leave, but felt great and so she decided to start on dinner. After a little while Andy, Travis and Emmet came and helped Carina cook. Maya was quite paranoid about Carina, making her sit down and bringing her water. "I am fine." Carina said again and again. "Yes. But you had surrgery a week ago and i don't want you to overdo yourself." "She's right, Carina, Why don't you tell us what to do and we do it." Andy suggested.

Nina came downstairs. "Mom. Meena and Louise are fighting in their room." "Oh, i am on my way." Maya said and ran up the stair. "What are you doing?" Carina asked, totaly not wanting to just sit around. "We are talking about Jobs and the task for the holidays is to make a Presentation about your parents jobs. We got these papers to fill out and then we have to go from there, but they suck." Nina complained. "Why?whats the problem?" "Let me show you." Nina got the papers.

On of the papers read.
My mom is a ...
She works at a.....
This is what a ... does on a regular day
She has learned this job at....
That took her ....years.
She has also worked as....
This is what she likes about her job....
This is what she doesn't like about her job....
And the second paper read.
My dad is a ....
He works at a....
He has learned this job at....
It took him... Years.
This is what a... does on a regular day.
He has also worked as...
This what likes about his job...
This is what he doesn't like about his job...

"I see the problem." "Why don't we copy the one paper and you fill it out twice. One for me and one for Mom." "Mhm. But what about the dad one?" "Well, i'm sorry, but i don't know anything about your biological dad. Your file says you were a save surrender. We have no way of knowing, what your biological parents did." "I actully don't care. I mean they gave me away so." Nina said sadly. "But we love you and i think you have two really cool jobs to talk about." Nina smiled. "Can i start with you?" "Yes. Sure."

After the holidays Nina showed her presentation to the class. She had made a powerpoint and was very proud of the outcome.

"I had a little bid of trouble with the papers we were given. I don't have a dad. I have two moms, but i think they both have really cool jobs and i would like to show you.
This is my Mommy. She is a firefighter. More specificly she is a Battalion Chief. She used to work at Station 19. But now she is in charge of 5 firehouses. She makes sure everything is up to standart, that noone gets hurt and she comands big fires. All the other firefighters have to listen to her. Exept for the fire chief. She learned to be a firefighter at the fireacademy. Where she was for two years. She was not only the youngest captain, but Station 19s first female captain and the youngest Battalion Chief in the history of Seattle FD.

She was also an athlete. She worked full time as a track runner and won the olympics 2012.

My mom loves the adrenalin you get when you save people out of fires and the structure and problemsolving when it comes to getting a fire out. She doesn't like the 24 hour shifts so much and when she was still a firefighter and then Lieutenant, that is the second rank, she had to deal with a lot of drunk people, who threw up on her. And she doesn't like, that firefighting is so dangerous and it makes people, who love firefighters worried. For example, before i knew my mom, she was hurt in an explosion and her ears burst. Now she wears hearing aids, but without them she can not hear much and it will never come back.
I know a lot of firefighters and what i like about them is that they consider eachother as family. When my Mamma was in the hospital before the holiday the station family made sure, me and my sisters are taken care of so that my mom can be with my mamma. They look after each other and they are really cool. Do you have questions?" Noone said anything.

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