And i'm caught up in the middle of it all

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Unfortunatly there was a busstrike and no places on any bus was available. "Damn it." Nina yelled and took a deep angry breath in. "I am going to call the busservice." Clara nodded. "Here is the number." Nina diled and waited until a male voice answered. "Washington Busservice How can i help?" "Hi, My name is Nina Deluca-Bishop. I need a bus from Portland to Seattle today. Please. It is an emergency." "I am sorry, Miss, there is no bus availiable. Because of the strike, the few that drive are fully booked." "Can't i just sit on the stairs of one of those? I really don't care. I just need to get to Seattle." "No. That is not allowed. I am very sorry." "Is there really nothing you can do. My mother has cancer. She had to be put on a ventilator this morning. I am in Portland for college. I need to get home. I need to see her. Please." "Let me check again." "Thank you." Nina waited patiently. "I am very sorry, Miss. There is nothing i can do. The earliest i can get you to Seattle is Tuesday." "Damn it. Sorry. Bye." Nina hung up and clawed at her throat. It seemed way to tight. Her chest started closing and everything started to go blurry. "I... I..." she gasped for air. Clara grabed her hands and pulled them into her own chest. "Nina. Nina. Breathe. Breathe. IN and out. We will get you to Seattle. Okay? Your mom will be okay. Okay? Breathe. In 1...2..3..4 hold 1..2..3..4.. out 1..2..3...4.. hold..1...2...3...4." Clara kept counting out boxbreathing for her until Nina could somewhat calm down. "What do you need?" "I need to see my mom. I need to get to Seattle." "Well how about you call your Mamma. She might be able to show you your mom on a video call." Nina nodded. "Yes. That is better than nothing." Nina nodded and called Carina.

"Hey Bellina. Come stai?" Carina answered, they had started talking more italian to eachother. She had PPE on and smiled tiredly. "Buono, mamma. Come sta la mammi ? Andy mi ha mandato un messaggio. Voglio tornare a casa, ma non ci sono autobus in funzione." (Good, Mamma. How is mom? Andy texted me. I want to come home, but there is no bus going.) "Oh. Bellina. Mi dispiace. che la mamma sia ancora sedata." (Oh, Bellina, I am sorry. Mom is still sedated.) "Sedata?" "Sedated. She is sedated. Artificial coma. Coma artificiale." "Okay. Mamma. What am i supposed to do? It hurts to be so far away. I want to come home." Nina started crying. "I miss you mamma." "I miss you, too Bellina. But mom is stable. She is doing alright now. They are doing everything, my love." "I know. I just...Mhm..I want to come home." Nina wispered again. "I know, Bellina. Is there anyone, who could drive you?" "In my friendgroup only Tucker has a car and he is on a excursion to the ocean, with the car." "Maybe someone else. Like a big brother or sister of your friends?" "I am going to ask. Can you turn the phone to show me mom?" "Yes. Bellina, but please don't be scared. She looks very sick now." "I am scared. But i want to see her." Carina turned the camera and showed the hospital bed to her oldest. Nina supressed a sob. Maya had her eyes closed. There was a feeding tube in her nose and a breathing tube in her throat. She was pale, but he cheaks were flushed. "Hey Mom. i love you, do you hear me? I can not loose you, okay? Don't leave yet. You have to fight, you promised to fight. Okay?" Nina wiped away the tears. "Okay. Thanks mamma. I will try to find a way to get home, but i am sorry if i can't." "Oh. Bellina. That is no problem. I hope you find a way. I really do, but if you can't that is not your fault." Nina nodded. "Te voglio bene Mamma." "Te voglio bene, Bellina." Carina blew a kiss through the screen and Nina blew one back. "Ciao." "Ciao."

Nina quickly texted Andy and then got up. "I need to get dressed. I want some fresh air. I need some fresh air." "Okay. Nina. Breathe. Lets get dressed and go outside okay. It will be alright." "Thanks."

Nina sat on a bench in the sun. It was Feburary, so it was very chilly, but the sun was shining and it was nice. A stray tear ran down her cheak. She wiped it away and suppressed a sob. Clara had been going to get them some hot chocolate. It didn't take long until Nina was shaking with sobs.
"Hey. Are you okay?" A tall man with dirty blonde hair asked. He wore a blue overall, that had paint spills all over. Even his face had some paint spills. "Yeah. I'm fine." "You don't look fine?" He sat down next to her and put the paint containers down. "Can i help?" "I don't think so. Unless you have a way of getting me to Seattle today?" Nina chuckled. "No. I don't even have a car." "Yeah. I am sorry." Nina felt weird. The man felt so familiar. She wiped her tears and blew her nose. "My mom is sick. She had to be put on a ventilator and i can't go home, because there are no busses because of the busstrike. So yeah." Nina vented. "Now i am venting to a stranger." "Its okay. I am very sorry for your mom." "She has cancer. It is just very hard for my family right now. But yeah." "I understand. I hope your mom gets better soon." "I do, too." They sat for a while in silence. Nina looked at the mans profile, he looked so familiar. "Hey. Can i ask you something?" "Sure?" "You look so familiar. Are you by any chance from Seattle?" "I am. I grew up there, but i left like 7 years ago, because i met a wonderful woman, who lives here in Portland." "Maybe i've seen you. I don't know." "I am sorry, but you don't seem so familiar to me. So maybe, or i just look like somebody you know." "That could be true." Nina nodded. "Sorry. This is weird." "Its okay." "I'm gonna go. I need to be studdiing. Maybe that will stop me from thinkinig about my mom." "Don't force it. From what i have learned. You can not force to be good at something, if your mind is somewhere else." "Thanks." Nina got up. She walked away and smiled at Clara who held up two cups. "who was that?" "A painter, i don't know. He was nice. And i can't help to think, i know him." "Strange."

An: The last episode was great. I loved it. It was so cute and i love the carriing over the stairs part. Very cute. I am still happy.

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