I'm on the right track, baby

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Carina and Maya talked with Nina and she was completely into Carinas idea. They texted the parents of the other teens and some teachers, they knew they could trust.

On the following wednesday, which was the day the three parents, who wrote the emails came in. All of the students, who knew about it, wore rainbow colors. Collin and Simon got rainbow tutu skirts and all 5 of their friendgroup wore them on the day. They had baked 500 cupcakes. With a rainbow design ofcourse and even some teachers wore colorfull things. Nina even got Carinas old pride shirt and wore it with pride.

When the parents came in, Nina said in her most cheerfull voice. "Hi. Would you like to buy a cupcake to support the dance team?" The woman looked confused. "Oh right i remember, you are Billys mom. Nice to meet you. And sorry for asuming you wanted one. I knew you can not be under any such influence. And don't worry, Billy doesn't get a cupcake aswell. So do Tyler and Desiree. We wouldn't want them to get wrong ideations." She walked away and the parents were stunned. At every corner students stood in pride merch and Mr Cohan wore his Transpride-flag like a cape.

To say the parents were shocked would be the understatement of the year. The entire school had made a statement and it wasn't what they had hoped. They were fuming, but they also agreed that the principal couldn't just expell all students, and so they took matters in their own hands and signed their kids out of school. The others celebrated with muffins and at lunchbreak the schools radio team played "born this way." through the schools loudspeakers. It was a great big party and even Headmaster Sandler joined in the dance.

"Did you have a good day?" Maya asked her olderst daughter. "It was so great, mom. Cara even got the courage to ask out Melanie, who is her lab partner. She has had a crush on her for ever. So like since the beginning of the school year. I am so happy for them." "Thats so great." Maya smiled and stroked over her daughters head. "Mom?" Nina said after a while "Hm?" "I am sad for the kids of those parents." Maya nodded. "I just keep thinking, what if they do indeed come out, their parents will never accept them." "Yeah. That is sad. We can only hope, that if that happens they change their opinon." "How did your parents react?" "Oh. My mom kind of knew, but i never told her directily and my father didn't know up to the day i married Mamma." "Oh." "Yeah. Lane isn't very approving of lgbtqia-people." "I am sorry, Mom." "Its okay. I have a really great family now, and my mom is a great person, if it wasn't for my dad, she'd have accepted me way earlier." "I love you, Mom and i am very happy you and Mamma found eachother." "I am very happy aswell. And i love, too."

Nina snuggled into her mother and fell asleep quite quickly. Maya caressed her back and watched her daughters chest rise and fall. Nina was exhaused from the day she had and Maya felt beyond proud of her daughter. She carefully crawled out from underneath her and tucked Nina in. Maya kissed her head and left the teens room.

It was nearing Christmas and Maya and Kai had dedicated every free minute to working on the playroom. They had seperated the room in two areas.
The right side was floored with mats and there were climping posilities on the walls. They also installed Monkeybars and a hanging chair. An area with bars and boards on the wall, with which Ellie could work on her fine motorskills. The other side of the room had Linoleum floors and a full wall mirror. They also installed ballet bars. None of the girls knew, the room was beeing prepared and Maya and Carina were really excited to show it to them for christmas.

The evening Maya and Kai finished the room Kai stayed over for dinner. Amelia said, she'll join them once she brought Scout to his sleepover and went grocery shopping. Carina had spend the afternoon making fresh pasta with Louise. The amount they had made would last them for quite some time. The also used some of the fresh pasta to make Lasagna and because they still had time and Louise couldn't get enough of the cooking, they made Tiramisu.

"This is really good." Kai said and took a third piece of Lasagna and placed it on their plate. "I made dat, wit mamma." Louise said proudly. "You did and we are so proud of you." Carina said. "Ima be a chef." "You are a chef."  Maya said and smiled at her daugther. "I dont like cookin. I like eating." Meena said and Kai laughed. "Me, too kid me, too." They said.
Amelia came shortly after the kids were done with dinner. Maya and Carina gave the small kids each a little piece of Tiramisu. They had purposefully made it without alcohol. And the kids diged in. Amelia smiled at the happy faces and her smile only grew, when Carina placed a reheated plate of Lasagna infront of her.
Maya and Carina took the girls to bed while Amelia, Kai and Nina stayed in the livingroom.

"What?" Nina laughed. "Yes. It is true." Carina came back down and frowned at the three of them laughing. "What is so funny?" "Amelia told me about all the crazy coincidents in Grey Sloan." "Like forexample the brainsurgeon with the braintumor." Amelia pointed at herself. "Oh. Right. Did she also tell you, i found her tumor?" "What? How?" Nina looked at her Mamma, who sat down on the sofa next to them. "Well. Amelia took part in my studdy and i had to look into her brain with an MRI for that. Thats how we found it." Carina explained. "But i am not any better with the crazy coincidents. I am an OB with no uterus." Carina said and Amelia nodded.

"Carina?" Maya said from the stairs. "I have to head out. I got called in. The Battalion Chief on call isn't picking up and they need me at a 4-Alarm." "Okay. Bambina. Be safe please." "Yes. And save me some of the Tiramisu." "Sure." Carina kissed Maya and Maya pressed a quick kiss on Ninas head. Then she left.

The other four stayed on the sofa, the adults talked and Nina listened Tomorrow was no school and so Carina ignored the fact that Nina was still up. Plus she was old enough to know, when to sleep herself.  She did go to sleep a little after 11pm.
An hour later Carinas phone rang. "Andy? Whats up?" "Hey. I need you to come to Grey-Sloan. Maya was hurt." Carinas stomach dropped. "How bad?" "She is awake, but disoriented and she was out for about 20 minutes. She got quite the blow to the head." "Crap. Okay. I'll be there." "See you." Andy hung up.
"I need to get to the hospital. Maya was hurt." "Okay. Carina take a breath." Amelia said. "You have to come with me." Carina rememeber. "She took a blow to the head." "I will. Who can cover the kids? Kai?" Carina frantically looked for her things and packed them together. "Kai will watch the kids and i will call Teddy to take over for them. They are scared to watch them alone." "Okay. Thank you." Carina said. She sprinted upstairs and looked in both rooms, to find all her girls sleeping. Then she and Amelia left and headed for the hospital.

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