Chapter 84. Duel

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Author's Note:
I've been away for 22 days 😱 This is the longest time I've had Writer's Block.
I have enjoyed my real life too much lol. I will regain my passion for writing.


That day, more than fifteen students were detained for falsely spreading rumours, and also defaming members of the prestigious House Rubius. Thankfully, the teachers and administrators solved the issue quickly, but what's happened could not be changed.

As a result, those detained students were suspended on the spot.

"Lucilline sir!" All of a sudden, a shout alerted him in the school courtyard. The silver-haired student stared ahead with his glossy purple eyes, his thumbs fiddled together, as if he was too afraid to continue talking. Lucilline had a dry mouth, the edges of his lips cracked. His every move was elegant, but over time, it has grown languid, as if something was sitting on his shoulders and weighing him down.

The black-haired nobleman stopped in his tracks.

Azalea had his guilty conscience written all over his face.

To Lucilline, this fluffy silver student looked horribly aggrieved... as if he'd accidentally done a wrongdoing. The black-haired nobleman chuckled at his appearance. "What is it?"

He was stunned when Azalea bowed in a perfect 90 degree, his back glistening with sweat. "I am sincerely sorry for the problems I've caused you! When I asked you to hire me as a knight, I never intended for this to blow into such... proportions. Please accept my apology!" A gust of wind washed over their two figures, bathing them in the sunlight's laughter.

Lucilline did not expect for him to apologize... for something he did not mean to happen.

"...lift your head." He softly spoke. Fluffy white curls raised along with two purple eyes, a spark of anticipation slit within them. Lucilline hummed, "From now on, let's not interact anymore." Azalea froze in place, his face deadly pale. It was as if he'd heard his own death sentence right then and there. Contrary to him, Lucilline held a light smile.

"This is for the better."


As time continued onwards, Lucilline continued living as the lone wolf of S Academy. He was approached by no one, and did not approach anyone either. Ever since the students who badmouthed him were suspended, all rumours of Lucilline Rubius halted to a stop. However, that did not stop the seed planted within their hearts.

A wound would hurt—but after it heals, it will merely leave behind a scar. After some time, the scar will scab over and itch. The itch made several students hesitant about approaching him.

The black-haired nobleman shrugged at all the odd gazes directed at him, his figure like a blade warding off evil. He seemed indifferent to all the commotion.

Months passed.

Soon, it was the day of the swordsmanship tournament. The gymnasium was packed of nobles, with flashing bright pink dresses and elegant suit ties collectively everywhere. Wherever students went, they would be exposed to the extravagant audience, who came specifically to watch them. The pressure on their shoulders were mortifying.

Lucilline sat lazily in the audience, his maid accompanying by his side.

"Aren't you participating, Young Master?" Willow curiously asked. She was given an "Are you kidding me" expression by the black-haired nobleman. The maidservant laughed at that look.

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