Chapter 91 - 91 - Following The Bread Crumbs Part 2

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Zou Yue continued massaging the spices into the cabbages when the girl murmured something to herself. "I did not get that?"

"I said she left some stuff behind if you want.. I can..."

"I want it!" Yue urgently shouted.

"Okay, okay, I'll take you there."

Just as this girl promised, she showed him the small basement room Tian used to live in.

The room was so small that it was smaller than his bathroom.. There was only one rolled-up mattress and some old newspaper scattered in the corner.

"When Tian left, she left in such a hurry that she left everything behind. After she left, no one wants to stay here. It's too small you see." the girl murmured, switching on the small light.

Yue gently touched the dirty, dust covered mattress. It had so many patches on it and some of the bedding was seeping out of some torn edge. He gently sat on it glancing around at the room. 'This must be the place she stayed.... what did she think when she was sleeping here. How lonely it must have been for a young girl to live in solitude,'

He could not help but think about his time he spent in the apocalypse. He was all alone in the world filled with hostile creatures and humans, constantly hungry, sleepless and lonely...

'Was that what she felt when those cold Murong's rejected her.

He swiftly wiped away the tears that was pooling in his eyes.

"Why did she leave in a hurry?" he sniffed softly.

"I don't understand what pushed the girl to leave like that. She stayed her for two years after she was deported," the girl mumbled, picking up the newspapers and tidying it up.

Yue frowned slightly. He had an inkling of a clue what might have happened. Something must have happened with the Murong family. 'Those bastards! fuck them! I will make sure to kill them all after finding her! I swear!'

He suddenly noticed the old newspaper in her hand. There were a few things marked on it in red. It was job offer in H city. 'She was searching for a job in H city.'

"Give that,"

The girl confusedly handed him the paper.

He hurriedly searched through it. Many job listings were rounded up, but only one of the job offer seems to have been noted as selected in red. "this. Did she ever mention about searching for a job!"

The young girl scratched her head with a pout. "She did I guess.... I don't know. She doesn't like to share much,"

"oh..Thank you," Yue shot up. "Thank you so much! Thank you for helping me and also for taking care of my sister for so many years!" he bowed low.

"It's not a problem. She was well natured and very hard working..."

"Even so, thank you for giving her a warm place to stay in." He smiled and hurriedly ran out of the horse in search of the next destination.

He pulled out his trusty phone and searched for the listing.

The job listing was quite close to the Murong's mansion. 'She must have moved there after she found out about her family.'

Zou Yue caught a cab and rushed to the next location.

To his surprise, it was a preschool. He asked around and found that she used to work there part-time but she quit just a few years ago.

no one knew where she went.

But after a few days of questioning around, he found out that she got a job in a nursery.

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