Chapter 133 - 133 -The Anxious Wait

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Two days went by and things were still awkward. The car was eerily silent. Juda who was cheerful and happy seemed so down that barely a few words escaped her mouth.

Tian..... well she was her usual silent self.

Yue could not crack up both of them so he just gave up.

It was his turn driving, Tian sat next to him on the passenger seat silently guiding him on the right path.

He glanced at the rear view mirror. Lui was silently reading a book and Juda laid her head on her shoulder.

'What the hell happened? Goodness I've never seen the two like this,'

His eyes went over to his sister.

Tian was peering out the window intently.

'Is there something out there? A new type of zombie?' He curiously looked out.

To his surprise his sister was looking at the side mirrors which was directed to the back seats.

'Oh dear lord is this.... love?'

He patted Tians hand.

With a small frown she looked at him.

"Do you like Juda?" He mouthed softly.

Tian gritted her teeth and looked away.

'No shit! For once I think I'm right!!!! Oh my darling sister what the hell are you even doing?'

He tapped Tian again. This time she refused to look his way.




"Watch the road and drive," she sternly said glaring at him.

"Okay..." in his mind he decided to ask her later when they were alone.

"Take the right. It's our entry into G," she suddenly said.

Yue drive the car slowly. Hundreds of zombies swarmed the place.

Tian lowered the window put her hand out and burned them all.

Her blue flames burned everything to smitten and only ashes fluttered around.

Yue looked at her in shock. "your flames became powerful,"

"Hmm..." she hummed glancing at her lap.

He could not keep up the conversation so they drove in complete silence.

Little by little the zombies grouped together and started to swarm their car.

Only the sound of thousand of zombies tapping on their car and the sound of their bones crushing was heard.

Since their vehicle was a off road geep they were easily able to travel through them without any trouble.

Tian did not do any more work. She just sat there silently mumbling something under her breath.

He just sighed. "I hope we can rest somewhere....."

"We have to move towards the outskirts nearby, my uncle has a small villa there," Juda leaned forward and whispered into his ear.

Yus shook his head "no we can reach the settlement in a few hours. Let's not delay it any further. Tian try your best to burn the zombies in an interval of thirty minutes.dont use too much energy,"

He drive over a huge zombie crowd with a small frown.


She was looking at the rearview reflection on the mirror once again.

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