Chapter 137 - 137 - White Lotus Strikes Again

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Yue frowned deeply. 'What is the matter with this guy?'

He not only tried to kill him but now he is accusing Tian of a murderer "what the hell do you mean, you ass. My sister was just standing there, you jumped away a shouted her name. it was not her fault at all.


Yue frowned. 'crazy person?'

For safety reasons he still held Tian back. "I think we should visit this place after a while,"

"no I suggest we wait, you said that your uncle is in there right? we can ask him for help,"

Bai Liwei who was crying and sobbing till now suddenly started to smirk widely. "you think your gardener uncle can take you out this trouble. You killed me and you need too be punished!!!"

Lui who was right behind them scoffed loudly. "huh! aren't alive right now?"

"He is obviously deranged. Someone take this poor sole away. It hurts too see him suffer so..." Juda tsked.

The guards also moved closer but a guy who looked like a higher level officer suddenly stopped him.

Soon after this higher officer entered the conversation Liwei's fearful face shifted into joy and contempt. He ran and hid behind his huge form. His small trembling body looked pitiful to ignorant eyes.

But to Yue it looked like a snake rattling its tail ready to strike.

"mister Liwei, officer Wen told me to help you in," the man respectfully smiled at him.

Liwei wiped his crocodile tears away. "yes.... Qian must be waiting for me in there. I must meet him and tell him about this heinous criminal!!!"

Like a fucking crazy person he shouted and cried pointing at Tian.

The crowd started to form.

Seeing Liwei's tears and Tian's co face obviously they assumed the innocent party was Liwei.

Zou Yue did not like the direction this conversation was going. He can kill him of course but doing so inside a settlement with strict rules like this will only end up being chased out.

He could feel Tian's impatience.

he could feel it. she was about to go punch him in the gut.

Yue swiftly held her hands and gestured for her to stay put.

"officers. There has been a mistake. This person is obviously making up stories and spreading lies, please remove him from this premises,"

"sorry sirs but this person is a guest of mister wen. We cant chase him away. If you have a problem you can come back later,"

Bai Liwei smiled contemptuously. 'see you bastards and bitches will always loose to me! I win! I will be the king of the apocalyptic world,'

This time Yue frowned deeply. He could obviously see the partial treatment this Bai Liwei guy was getting.

"please call uncle wen here. We will talk it out with him,"

The officer suddenly glanced at him and glared, "stop causing a commotion. If you don't leave right now I will have to use force,"

"Yeah punish those bitches. How dare they try to hurt such an innocent young man," an older lady suddenly shouted from the crowd.

Soon the whole crowd started to cry for Liwei's justice.

Liwei silently lowered his head.

Tian saw him smile widely under there. She nudged Yue and whispered, "this kid is crazy."

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