Chapter 132 - 132 - Campfire

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After a rough ride down the mountain Yue and his entourage stepped into the outskirts of G.

His house was just a 4 hours drive through the city. But since the cities harbours thousand of zombies they had to take a detour.

Yue peered at the abandoned roadways of the villages and towns with a small frown. The trees and the plants had already overtaken some parts of the village spreading their beautiful green leaves everywhere.

"tian mark this place as dangerous,"

She glanced back from the passenger seat. "why? Is there a baby zombie here as well?"

"no, but this place is bound to get very dangerous in a few days,"

"the plants right," Juda nudged him. "so you read the book... its unbelievable at first but as you see the day to day happenings you will start too believe each and word."

"I have too praise the author though. Either this person had a very vivid imagination. or this person knew the future events. Anyways this person decided to share it with us. Somehow helping us survive as well," Lui whispered from the driver's seat.

Yue did not answer. It was he who wrote the book, how did not even have too read it too know its content. But being talked about so proudly made his cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

As the passed though a smaller roadway Yue glanced out the window enjoying the small peace that they had before the storm.

"wait, stop the car," Juda shouted starling him.

"what happened?"

Juda smiled weirdly. "bakbak needs to pee...." she whispered holding up the white chicken.

"Juda! A chicken does not pee!" Lui shouted from up front.

"fine he wanted too poo," Juda corrected herself.

Tian growled loudly. "just catch it with a tissue or something,"

"nice idea, Yue quick give me a tissue,"

"a minute," Yue scrambled too his bag that he stored behind them and took out a roll of tissue. He tore a small part and tore it into even smaller part and handed her it.

The tissue sadly was so think that her fingers were seen though.

Juda narrowed her eyes. "Yue..... give me the roll...."


He hid it behind. "I need it"

"for what?"


Juda snapped all of a sudden. She jumped over him and plucked it out off his hands. "use water to wash your cute bum,"

"NO!! I don't like my underwear getting wet!" he rolled over trying too get it off her hand.

"stop I'll use only a little,"

"no... give it here,"

The car started too shake violently from all their struggles.

Lui sighed loudly. "You are not going too stop them?"

Tian shrugged. "let them settle it with a fight, its healthy,"

"no its not....." Lui was completely defeated. The two in the beck seat were childishly fighting for toilet paper. One in the front was happily humming a song. Weirdly so it felt like a dysfunctional family.

"heyy hey both of you!!!" she shouted.

They both paused. The toilet roll had unwounded and covered them from head to toe. "Juda go out and walk you fucking chicken. And you, you can wipe your wet ass in a towel!"

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