Chapter 171 - 171 - Rough Start

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"All in?" uncle Wen looked at everyone with a wide smile.

"Yes~" Yue excitedly looked at him. "Uncle. I missed you..."

"I missed you too, kid," he glanced at him with a small twinkle in his eyes. "Strap yourself up, kids. We are going home..." he went back to his co-pilot seat and strapped himself down.

"That's it? That's your welcome? Dad, I'm right here!" Qian leaned forward with a pout. "Are you still angry that I did not come back home?"

"Yue, do you hear something? I hear a pig snorting so loudly. Tell that pig that he is grounded until further notice," he laughed out loud.

"Old man!"

"What old man, huh? You knew that a fucking meteor was going to hit us, yet you decided to get holed up in your research center instead of coming back home. Don't you dare open your mouth, you brat? I will fucking sew it shut!"

Qian silently sat back in his seat. "Because that it's my life's work. How can I abandon it when we are in a breakthrough? You would have done the same."

"no, I would have come back home to family,"

Qian Wen suddenly scoffed loudly. "Wrong answer. I remember the day mom waited for you, you never were there. Don't you dare preach me, old man? I grew up independent because you were never fucking around,"

Wen glanced back with a small glare. "You want to talk about this now?"

"Yeah, when else do you want to talk? Because you never talk! All you know how to do is work or stay holed up in your study looking at documents. Who do you think I inherited my workaholic skills?" Qian snapped back.

Yue, who was sitting very close to him, could not handle the tension any longer. "Stop it. You both love each other and miss each other. Let the past be in the past, this is a chance for us to start anew,"

"Anew my ass, that man will never change his strict ways," Qian grumbled, leaning close to Fan Xui and closing his eyes tightly.

Uncle Wen sighed loudly and glanced back with a look of guilt. "Qian I..."

"Save it, I don't care and I don't want to care."

They both sulked in each corner. This was supposed to be a happy reunion. Instead it turned into a fight.

The tension in the air was so tight that you can easily cut it with a butter knife.

Yue desperately wanted to change the subject. "Uncle Bohai? Is that you?"

"Yep kid, nice to see you again," Bohai glanced back with a wide smirk. "Heard you went to H, didn't know when you returned,"

"I came back just a few days ago. How have you been? How are you holding up?..."

"I've had worse days... my grandmother.. She passed. I am arranging a funeral for her. But none of the funeral houses are willing to take her in,"

Yue frowned deeply. He unclipped the buckle and crawled up close to him. "Uncle, are you going to bury her?"

"Yes... it's our tradition," he glanced at him with brows raised. "Why is it a problem?"

"I know it is not my part to say this, but you should not bury her. Instead, try cremating her.

Bohai hesitated.

"We don't know much about this virus yet. If in case the virus somehow contaminates our soil and underwater resources, we might end up in a deeper problem,"

Uncle Wen cleared his throat. "You are right. I did suggest for the undead to be burned. The crematory houses have been full. It's better to build another one with a powerful incinerator, or have the fire ability user to burn it all down."

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