Chapter 172 - 172 - Harvesting And Cleansing

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Yue walked close to uncle Wen. "How are my parents? Have they been well?

"They are fine.. Your dad is being himself."

Yue chuckled loudly. "Prickly as usual huh? Oh, I forgot to ask, but do you have any convenient housing situation near our house. Our house is kind of overcrowded with seven of us there..."

"for the girls or for a special someone you want to keep close?"' uncle Wen winked in the direction of Fan Xui.

His cheeks suddenly heated up. "he.... he already has a place nearby. I was asking for the girls and Hary,"

"I can arrange it.... after I settle thing here..." he glanced around at the soldiers who were looking at Tian and Hary in fear. "Fear is a good thing but fear is not enough to lead.... what do you suggest we do Yue."

"What do I think? I don't know...." Yue glanced up in shock. He genuinely looked like he needed answers. "Maybe.... you can talk to them.."

"Address them about what? Give them false hope? Tell them that the zombies are going to grow in power and even plants and animals will join in on the hunt? .... I have no fucking clue what I'm doing here...." he grumbled, tapping his cane on the ground.

Yue stammered visibly. He too, did not have a definitive answer. "There is no way to reassure people saying that everything was alright. Because we know we are all fucked.....But..... we can give them hope for the future..."

"There is hope in the future?" uncle Wen paused and glanced up at him with a hopeful gaze. "is there hope Yue?..."

Yue bit his lips, unable to answer. "I did not live that long I can't give you that answer."

A loud sigh was the old man's reply. "I guess... you suffered a lot. what about Tian... did you ever get the chance to meet her in your past?"

"Yes... she seemed healthy and well put together." Yue glanced at his sister, who was happily chatting with Hary and Fan Xui. "She seemed happy...."

"That's good... what about Qian? Did he achieve something? He calls himself an amazing scientist, but he rarely shows any progress,"

"No! He achieved so much! He figured out a way to identify the infected. He created a new way to cleanse our water supply.. he.... even found mutated wheat! He has contributed a lot uncle. That's why I was willing to risk my life for him. His one life can save a few thousand...."

Yue glanced up to see a proud smile on his face. "so what do you plan to do now? you know you have to burn the farms right?"

"Yes... have a small doubt. Can a chopped-up vegetable mutate?"

"No, only those in contact with the soil and the virus-infected air will mutate. You can harvest it...." he glanced up. The small shimmering dots had grown in size, heading directly towards them. "But I don't think you have the time for that..."

"Oh, we have enough time. I'm not waiting for that much crop for nothing," uncle Wen briskly walked into the barracks with a slight hop in his step.

He rushed into the cafeteria where everyone where having their dinner. "Here goes nothing..." he handed the cane to him and climbed over a table with his back straight. "Everyone to gather around!"

The men who were busy chatting and eating all rose and stood around in a messy order.

"Deng Li and his gang have been apprehended!" Wen peered at each of them with a very serious look on his face. "This is a military barracks, not a fucking pub. There will be no mutiny or any kind of discord amongst us, agreed!"

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