Chapter 149 - 149 - Separated

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Zou Yue silently moved through the bloody corridors. Any zombies he met, he slashed them with one swing. At times he took a rest and sharpened his sword with the sharpening stone his master gifted. After all, it was his main weapon, carelessly slicing through human bones and cartilages will dull it.

If it was not sharpened, then it will only chop things not slice through them cleanly.

When he was doing so, Hary and Tian took care of the zombies just shooting them with dangerous precision. When one was reloading, the other was watching their back.

Yue was in complete awe watching their team work. It was only something you get when you work together for a long time.

"Say, where did you guys learn to shoot?"

"*****," Hary whispered reloading his gun. "Not a fun place to be, but I learned a lot there. Lost a leg as well,"

"Same," Tian simply patted his back. "Not the leg part though,"

Hary moved into position and started to shoot vigorously.

This time, Tian stood close by and started loading her gun. "When will you be finished?"

"In a while," Yue whispered rubbing the sharpening stone on the metal surface until the sword shone beautifully. "Done, let's go,"

This time the two fell behind watching his back. Yue was the vanguard taking out the zombies in his way.

The direction board above them was stained with blood. Yue stood by it while Hary jumped up to clean it. "Record room is to our right,"

"Done." they proceeded to the right passageway that went narrower.

The zombies in here were not that many. They all were wearing hospital staff uniforms and ID cards.

'It's a pity... so many doctors and nurses died so easily.'

The hospital's windows were closed off with centralised air con and doors were always disinfected with a mist whenever anyone comes in. The chances of them getting infected must have been low, but the thing with the hospitals is the patients who come in could easily spread the infection.

Since the effect of the meteor was delayed in G city, many infected and bitten humans were admitted here. It must have been the cause of an outbreak in this hospital.

Yue glanced at the torn off parts of the nurse's neck. 'This place is overrun, that's for sure, I hope Fan is safe.... '

In just a few minutes' walk, the records room came into sight.

The trio ran as quickly as they can and closed themselves inside.

The lights had gone out and the records room usually ever have any windows. It was fully dark inside.

Tian threw a glow stick she got out of nowhere and tossed it, illuminating the room. "We don't have much time. Let's get to it."

Yue went to the nearby rack. "Everything in here will be arranged by date. Search for records from this month or earlier,"

Tian and Hary dedicatedly searched whilst having one eye on their surroundings.

Zou Yue ran about until he found the recent month's records. He pulled down the cardboard box and squatted down on the ground completely.

He flipped all its contents out and searched through it.

"Fan Xui.... Fan... where is his record... ah I got it!"

He took off Fan Xui's record and opened it up swiftly. It was full of medical terminology that he couldn't make head or tail of. "Where do they specify the room number?"

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