Chapter 120 - 120 - One With Love, One With Greed

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"I'm not sure if Fan Xui is even alive right now,"

"Don't say that. We don't know that for sure. He might have survived...." Zou Wei whispered softly with a downcast look.

Wen nodded, patting his stiff back. "Take care,"

"Wait," Zou Wei ran to the small garden area. In a corner, he had kept the small quails in separate containers. He took two and handed it to him. "Take it. It might help,"'

Wen took it carefully. "I'll take care of them well. When I get any news I'll contact you,"

"yes, thank you," Zou Wei bowed to him.

"Don't make it awkward." Wen just laughed a little and walked out of the house.

The routine check up went on as planned. There were not many homes in this rural area and the houses were separated by at least a few meters. This made it easy for him to check on each house.

Most of the houses were only inhabited by the undead. Not many living were found. That's why it was a huge surprise how the military barrack survived so well.

They moved from house to house until they reached the houses behind his villa.

Wen paused in front of a small house with a yard.

"We'll go check, sir. Lease stay a safe distance from the door," one of the military officers said and walked up to the door with his guns ready.

"Hello," he knocked on the door. "we are the military here for routine checkups. Is there anyone sick or portraying signs of rabies in this house?"


He slightly leaned over to see inside. All he saw was a dark space. He shook his head at his comrades.

Wen sighed. "Another house with no survivors. Sweep it and kill the undead."

The three military officers banged open the door and charged in. Inside were a lot of wrappers laying on the ground. It looked very messy.

"Sir... this cup is still hot. Someone is alive," one of the officers noticed a fresh coffee mug near the window.

"Is anyone in here?! We are the military! We are here for a check up! is anyone sick or dying!" they shouted.

A small creaking sound was heard from the inside.

The youngest of the military officer walked into the room with his gun ready to shoot. But to his surprise, he found a young man sitting on the bed with a ragged look.

"Sir, are you feeling sick or tired? If so, please come with us. You might be infected,"

The young man sniffed. "Yeah... with what? Love sickness?" he wiped at his swollen eyes. "Do you know how it feels like to be ditched by your boyfriend? It hurts so much that I cursed him to die."

He stood up and suddenly knelt on the ground. "I think my curse came true! He... he might have died!!!" he sobbed loudly.

It was heartbreaking and comical at the same time.

"sir, we would like to check your temperature if that is okay with you,"

The man held out his hand. "Take whatever you want. My heart is already torn and in shreds,"

Hearing the commotion, Wen walked in. "What's the problem?"

"This young man seems good. No temperature." The military officer saluted.

Wen glanced at the crestfallen young man. "What's your name, young fellow?"

"Peng darling.. that what he used to call me lovingly...." he whispered sobbing.

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