Chapter 161 - 161 - Dead And The Living

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The chain clanging sound got louder as they progressed into the cluttered room.

All the cages animals all stopped screaming as soon as the sound was heard.

"There is something else in here," Yue vigilantly took his sword out while the others loaded their gun ready to shoot it down.

Fan on the other hand was slightly frowning. As they were walking past the many tables, he touched one of them. His black eyes turned a translucent shade of blue.

A small shot of electricity conducted through these things. It was more like a pulse or a small wave of signal that passes through all the items that were in the room.

It echoed back to him at different frequencies. That ability helped him to map out a place even if it was pitch black.

This was how he survived two years without his vision.

Now his skills were a little rusty even, so he was able to sense the whole room.

There were two human figures in here. One crouched down at the end of the room while one was standing ahead of them, unmoving.

'Two? Qian was alone when I rescued him....'

This alternate world was very different from he had expected. Right from the new companions to the new dangerous situation, everything was different.

"Watch out, there is someone up ahead," he warned him softly.

Yue nodded. "I can feel it too. There is an undead here,"

"You think the scientist died," Hary whispered as he was glancing around the animal cages. All the creatures had shrunken to a corner, hiding from something.

"We don't know for sure, but if we see anything dangerous here we are leaving right away," she fell behind Yue a bit. Her powers were fully exhausted, and she also had only a few bullets. Going up front of the team will only put herself and her team in danger.

The only person who can fully fight without any repercussions was Yue.

"Teach me how to use a sword," she whispered.

Yue smirked widely. "I am not that skilled, but I can teach you. I just wish my master Akira was here. He would have really loved to have you as his disciple."

"Akira? Is he Japanese?" Hary moved closer.

"hmm.. I learned my sword art in Japan,"

"Oh, that's what you meant when said you were trained in Japan," Tian mumbled.

"What else did you expect?"

"I thought you were an assassin too," Tian just shrugged.

Yue glanced ahead into the room with a deep frown. "How did you become an assassin?"

"It was not my occupation of choice. It was either kill or die in the ditches,"

Yue froze. "What? You did not tell me all this,"

"Eyes up front," she gently nudged his head up front. "It not a sob story nor is a pitiful one. So I will spare you the details,"

Fan Xui secretly glanced her way. 'An assassin... what about him then?' his gaze went over to Hary, who was peering into the cages.


A loud crash stopped them in their path.

Fan Xui's eyes could clearly make out the human figure in the corner.

"It's to our right,"

Yue instantly turned his attention to that side, peering past many shelves of glass beakers. "I see a lab coat,"

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