Chapter 190 - 190 - Creating A Scare

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Zou Yue dragged the dead bodies over to the neighbouring empty plot and burned them. As for the soldiers, they kept them alive because they needed to warm the others and scare them in some way that they won't target their house.

"What is your plan?" Fan Xui glanced at the unconscious men on the ground.

"They are turning brazen... we need to make them fear my house. Wait for a bit here," he walked into the house and glanced at the vine. He gently tapped them to check whether they move on their own.

Confirming that they don't, he went to his father.

"Dad, I need your help,"

"What is it? Is there something wrong? I heard voices outside..." he worriedly held his shoulders.

"Nothing.. just a small help. I want you to control the pea vines as you did before."

His father's frown deepened. "i-I don't know what you are talking about Yue. I didn't control that."

"You did. Your strong emotions controlled it. Try to see if it works." He walked him out of the room.

His father slightly fearfully looked at the vines crawling on the ground. "Is this okay.. is this safe?"

"It is as long as you can control them.." Yue held his hand and gently placed it on a vine.

The vines did not move as they did before.

"It's not working Yue.. I told...." the vines gently moved and slithered on his arm. "ahh! It's got me! It's got me!" he screamed pulling his hand away.

His mum ran out in panic from his shouting. "Honey, are you okay? Oh, my god is your and okay,"

Yue rushed to him and pulled him off the ground. "It didn't hurt you, right?" he gently touched his wrist. There was not even a bruise on it. "Dad, that plant is not our enemy. Don't fear it. Touch it like you are treating a child,"

"I...Yue... I.."

"Don't fear it. Just touch it again," he urged him softly.

His father gently touched the vines on the ground. They started to wiggle and wound around his wrist again. But it was not in a restricting manner. It gently crept on his over his shoulders and touched his face.

"It's... it's touching me.. it won't go inside my mouth or ears, right?"

"I hope it won't.." Yue also carefully watched the vine's movement.

Feeling his father's hesitation the vine did not approach him more. It softly laid on his lap shaking and wiggling.

"It's... it's like a pet.." his father petted the rough stems. The vine wiggled even more. "It's creepy...."

"Yeah slightly..' Yue had to agree the vines moving like that and acting like a puppy was very, very creepy. "' but he is here to safeguard our house."

"He did... he saved our house. Thank you..."

Yue got up with a plan in his mind. "You can completely control him, right? I've got a plan. We need his help to do so..."


"Stay hidden and move the vines. Mum, go back to the room and hide as well. Blackie, come out and scare them okay,"

The cat meowed cutely and stretched her back.

Yue ran out of the house to the small house nearby. The hidden figure looked at him and dashed swiftly.

But Fan Xui did not give the chance to escape. They both blocked him on either side.

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