Chapter 200 - 200 - Solutions

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"beep... beep... beep..." his hand watch rang softly, reminding him that it was five in the morning.

Fan Xui took a deep breath and opened his eyes. The sight before him almost took his breath away. Yue was sleeping next to him with his mouth slightly agape. His lashes were trembling softly as well.

He swiftly switched off the alarm.

Yue's lashes went back to its peaceful state.

It had been three days now.... three days since he had been forced to take a bed rest by Qian. Yue tagged along every day, sleeping in with him. Surprisingly his family was not opposed to this new change. They seemed to have come to terms with their relationship.

Zou Yue rolled closer to him, moaning softly.

Fan Xui took him in his arms, hugging him close. The feeling of his soft body on his awakened the fire he had hidden deep inside.

'It's getting difficult to control myself,' he gently kissed his forehead and turned to the small makeshift bedside table. On it was a half-empty water bottle. He simply gulped the water cooling his overheated body.

His eyes focused solely on the bottle with a small frown.

Yesterday he had received a ration of three small bottles but today it had decreased to one per person. This small half a little bottle is likely not enough for a grown man's daily needs.

'The water contamination and soil contamination...' he glanced at Yue who snuggled closer to his body, hugging his waist. 'Looks like my vacation time is over. Let me take look at what this world has come to.'

He removed Yue's arms as gently as possible and got out of bed.

Yue groaned and rolled into the spot he had abandoned, snuggling his face into the dent.

"Gosh... why are you so cute.." he kissed his lips softly. "agh... I have to work now. I can't believe I'm leaving such an inviting lover,"

Fan Xui stood there just looking at Yue for a while before leaving the room. He made sure to leave a note and lock the door from the outside. Yue can, of course, open it from inside but no other intruders can enter from the outside.

'Let's get this over with' with the bottle in hand he went seeking the only person who can help solve this issue.

He did not even have to search for long. The person he was searching for just walked past him with a small plastic bag full of packed food.

"You are up and about so soon," Hary said handing him the bag. "Breakfast, go take some rest. You need it,"

"No, we have even more urgent issues at hand," he shook the empty water bottle. "The water contamination....

"Yue told you huh?" Hary gestured for him to follow. "Things have been tight after the second meteor. Not only are we running low on water, we are also running low on food."

"Yue said that the soil contamination only pertains to the top layer. You can scrape it off, and plant the vegetables and greens,"

Hary just raised a brow. "We did. We have planted the crops. The only problem, the crops usually take a while to mature. Rice six months, wheat, five months... we can grow vegetables but that won't be able to sustain the population in the settlement,"

Fan Xui frowned slightly. They had unknowingly walked over to a room.

Hary opened the door and gestured for him to come inside. Inside was just a simple room with a shelf full of folders and stuff.

"Can I see the report off our food stocks and how much a person is rationed?" Fan Xui walked in and sat on the chair that was offered.

"Sure," he handed him a full file.

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