Chapter 125 - 125 - Beauty Underwater

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Tian sped up through the streets. A lot of vehicles were stranded in their path, but since they were travelling on a motorbike, they just wedged through the gaps.

Just hearing their engines sound, a lot of zombies came out from their hiding spot.

Zou Yue watched in shock. 'I thought the baby zombie had killed them all.... darn they were hiding from it. Their intelligence is increasing a lot!'

He watched in horror as they all march their way.

"Lui, speed up and stay in our tail," he shouted, glancing back at them.

Lui nodded.

"Prepare the machine guns. We can't make do with a normal ones now..." Tian whispered softly.

"No, I have an even better idea." Yue took out a thin yoga strap and wrapped it around his index and middle finger tightly.

"Yue....what are you doing?"

"Using my new prototype long-range weapon," Yue pulled back his coat to reveal a small bag of black pebbles. He placed a pebble in the centre of the band and pulled back.

Like releasing an arrow, he released it. The pebble smashed through a zombie's head.

Tian looked at it in shock. "What did you do?!"

"Used my body as a weapon," he laughed, shooting at all the zombies creeping close.

In the house they took shelter, he found an empty fish tank. The first time he saw it he got an idea for a weapon that had unlimited ammo.

A slingshot from using his own fingers as the base.

But even so, he needed something elastic and strong enough to withstand his strength. Then came the idea of the amazing yoga strap.

After rummaging through the entire apartment, he was able to find them in a gym bag.

He cut them into thin slices so that it can wrap around his hands with ease.

"shit..." Tian grumbled slowing down a bit. "The roads are blocked..."

There were four cars that were fully jamming the road. It looked like a road accident. Four cars were smashed against each other.

"no worries. Go close to that car.." he pointed to the nearby car.

Just as they drove close, Yue jumped down and swiftly lifted that car up and tossed it to the side.

This cleared up a small path for them to drive through.

Yue jumped on the back and patted Tian to go on.

"That was hulk move." She mumbled with a small smile.

"Aw sister, are you praising me? I'm so happy."

"Shut up and shoot. Those things are getting too close for my comfort,"

Tian took out a handful of pebbles and continued shooting them.

His aim was good, hitting each of the zombies with just a pebble.

"Lui, Juda, how are you guys holding up?"

Lui dove parallel to them. "good... just spooked. Man, this road reeks."

"I know right...."

The whole street was filled with rotting corpses and undead zombies. of course the stench is unavoidable.

This was the thing he absolutely hated about the apocalypse in the beginning, but as time went by, he got used to it.

'I got used to the lonely life too... but this life I have my sister.... my family..... I have them...'

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