Chapter 169 - 169 - To The Rooftop

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Fan Xui pulled the dust covered man into the room and glanced down anxiously. "Yue, come on up,"

"I'll go search for survivors. You guys climb up. We'll catch on," he shouted Form below.

"No, we won't. We'll wait here!" he shouted back.

"We'll meet you at the roof Yue, Hary, take care of him," Tian shouted from beside him. Fan Xui gave her a look. "It's logical we go up. Don't worry, Hary is with Yue. He can take care of him,"

"You trust him that much?"

She just raised a brow. "I've known him for years. I trust him with my life. And my brother's too. We should get going up." she glanced at the two men dressed in white coats. They both were glaring at each other. "You deal with those two,"

Qian glared at the man intently. "I think I know how you survived. Even zombies don't want a bite of your stupid brain,"

"Oh please, they will be chasing after me waiting for a taste of my smart brain. You, on the other hand, would be as stinky tofu. No one wants you,"

"Oh, for god's sake. Fan, throw him out. I don't want to see this man's face any longer," he glanced at his friend.

Fan Xui just stood there with a blank look.

"Dude, back me up."

"We need him,"' Fan Xui said calmly, glancing at the two. The new addition to their team might look like a simpleton, but in actually he was a genius biologist. He was the one who tested the plant mutation in detail. Even found a way to cross bread a mutated plant with a normal plant to create a super crop.

But before he could finish the testing, the scientist just disappeared out of thin air one day.

No one knew where he went or who kidnapped him.

He was MIA.

Qian took over his research, he cross mutated wheat. Which then became a staple.

"Come on," Tian whispered from the doorway. "Can you sense where the zombies are right now?"

Fan Xui placed a hand on the walls and closed his eyes. He could sense movements below and above in all floors. "That metal zombie broke down all doors. They have already entered all corridors except two floors below us."

"I hate that zombie," she mumbled, opening the door typing the password

Suddenly Prisitsky leaned closer curiously. "Peng Peng is cute? That is your password! Hey Qian, why did you change the emergency password without my knowledge, huh?" he shouted.

"Shut up, I did not expect to us to be in an actual emergency situation, okay. plus I sent a mail. You were the one who did not read it,"

Prisitsky looked at him with a look of surprise. "Oh that's what that was. I thought you sent me a dumb fucking meme again."

"Fuck off bozo,"

Tian slowly turned back with a deep glare. "Would you both shut the hell up? God help me if you utter one more word, I will sew your mouths shut. Got it?"

Both of them gulped and stepped back. "Roger," "done" they both replied.

Qian moved closer to Fan Xui. "She is scary. Reminds me so much of my old man,"

Fan Xui looked at him with his brows raised.

Slowly, they cracked open the door. Tian watched the situation outside for a minute or so, then gestured for the others to follow out.

Silently, they crept through the hallway. Their floor was yet to be breeched even so the trembling ground sent a weird fear into their hearts.

Qian moved very, very close to Fan, holding his hand. "Don't worry buddy, I will protect you,"

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