Chapter 113 - 113 - Blending In With The Crowd

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Zou Yue furiously grumbled as he walked out of the room.

"You back so soon," senior Mei looked at him impatiently. She grabbed his arm tightly and pulled him to a corner. "I told you to satisfy them, bitch. What did you do.. it was barely five minutes!"

With his free hand, Yue simply punched her directly in her face. Just a simple punch and that girl rolled away, hitting the side walls of the corridor.

Senior Mei sat up trembling. "you... you...." a single drop of blood hit the ground. Eyes wide, she touched her nose. It felt delicate, sore and painful to touch. "You broke my nose!!!! You fucking bitch! You whore! How dare you! How dare you!!!"

Yue coldly walked closer and pulled her up by her hair. "Who are you to call me a whore? You were acting like a pimp just a minute ago?" he scoffed.

Senior Mei swung her fists around.

But her small hands could not even reach his face.

Yue kept her at an arm's distance. He pointed to her nose. "The next time you try to pimp someone out, you think of that pain. Yes? Plus... your jealousy is sickening."

He threw her down and walked away with a slight smile.

His mother had taught him not to hit women, but this girl was lower than a bug with the way she acted. 'It felt so good to beat her up.' he caressed his fist.

The power he used was similar to swatting a fly, but that alone broke her nose.

'I need to learn to control my powers...' he massaged his fists.

Suddenly, the words that annoying man spewed came to mind as he was walking through the empty hallways. 'who does he think he is, huh? I am not a thing to be owned! Fuck this shit,'

'I'm leaving this place instantly!'

But reality hit him hard. The walls were still being crowded with zombies and evening was approaching soon.

If he left right now, he might attract the zombies much easier and he will be helpless in the dark.

'ughhh! Today was complete shit!'

"Hey wait a minute," someone shouted behind him.

Yue readily took another dagger out to attack.

"Whoa, wait a minute... I just came to talk," Mao whispered, holding his hands up in surrender.

"I don't want to talk to the likes of you,"

Mao sighed. "Sorry about that. it was uncalled for. We are kicking him out of here as soon as the zombie hoard moves away," he apologetically bowed.

Yue still did not let go of his vigilance.

"it's our mistake that you had a bad experience here. I'm really sorry about that....'

"get to the point. What do you want?" he snapped out.

"it's getting dark. Stay the night,"

"I don't wish to." Zou Yue glared at him and walked away.

That guy ran after him, walking sideways. "You can stay in your room. It's completely free; we don't expect anything of you. you... it's too risky to go out now. Especially for a girl this pretty,"

Yue glared at him, stopping him mid-sentence.

"Shit... that came out so wrong.... just... just don't go out now. You can stay in my room or any room if that matters. Just stay the night and leave afterwards. I can personally escort you out,"

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