Chapter 107 - 107 - Relief Center

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Ten minutes ago, Zou Yue dazedly walked out of the clinic. His feet took him wherever he wanted. Along the way, he ducked behind a few vehicles to stay out of the zombie's sights.

He.. he was all alone on this huge road.

The only living.

It felt nostalgic and saddening at the same time.

Yue tightly gripped the knife and moved towards the resting place he had decided previously.

Suddenly, a hand pulled him back.

Yue glanced back, half expecting Tian to run after him. But to his disappointment, it was some young man.

This young man grabbed him, pulled him to a corner and held a finger to his mouth. "shh they can hear and see very well." he pointed to a single zombie that was loitering ahead of them.

Yue pushed him off.

"come with us, we have a group...." he smiled at him.

Yue just shook his hands away. 'it must be a few of the initial groups of humans survivors.'

During his last life, he too was in a group, but to his dismay, it was not a fun experience. Every night, he had to make sure to hold a knife in his hands to fend off any attackers.

It was the humans he feared.

Humans who coveted his resources and.... his beauty. He slightly regretted wearing a girl's outfit. It would just let him stand out too much.

Yue swiftly moved further away from him. "I don't care," he mouthed.

"It's too dangerous out here!" he whispered to him with a serious look. He looked about twenty something with a short military-cut hair. But to his surprise, this young man was wearing a raincoat protecting his body from blood splatter. His arms and neck were fully covered with a thick bundle of cloth.

Yue peered at him intently. This young man seemed genuinely to care about his safety. But this might not be the case of the so-called group.

"I can handle it," he moved back, keeping a careful eye on him.

Suddenly, he felt a small movement behind him. A small footstep crept behind him.

It was most likely that single zombie that as loitering close by.

'Darn, while I was distracted with this guy, the zombie got close,'

Yue swiftly slashed at the zombie without even looking back.

"ahhh!" a human shouted loudly behind him.

Yue glanced back in shock. It was a live human who was screaming, holding his bleeding stomach. 'oh shit.' His steps faltered. "Why did you creep up behind me?.."

"I-I was trying to give this to you," the other young man held out a loaf of bread. He too was dressed in a rain coat. But a raincoat cannot shield him from his knife.

'Darn it, I didn't expect trouble to come as soon as I left Tian,' he gritted his teeth loudly.

The young man insistently held out the bread to him.

'is it poisoned? Why is he giving me this?'

Yue spat out the question that was scratching at his consciousness. "Why?"

"You said you don't want to come with us, right? We just didn't want you to starve," the guy groaningly whispered. The cut was bleeding profusely.

Yue blinked rapidly. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."

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