Chapter 143 - 143 - House Visitation

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"I'm leaving... bye," Yue stood up, chewing on his toast like a puppy.

"Wait, check up on your manager and Peng before you visit uncle Wen's place," his mother shouted after him.

Yue paused. "Oh shoot, I completely forgot about them. I'll be sure to check on them." he ran back into the house.

"Aren't you going?" his father looked puzzled at his move.

"I can't go empty-handed. Manager Mu most likely must have not prepared anything as for Peng Peng... I just want him to have enough food to eat. That guy lives on wine." He whispered, running into his room.

He pulled down the small stink hanging from the ceiling. The stairs folded down.

Yue ran up into the walk-in freezer. Thankfully, the solar sheets were able to sustain the power in here. Neon of the food had gone bad. He ran to the instant ramen that was piled up like a mountain and took at least fifty of it in hand.

"A bag.... I should have taken a bag of some sorts," blaming his blank head, he climbed back down, took a few of the paper bags he had folded under his bed and ran up.

For manager Mu, he segregated fifty and for Peng Peng he placed fifty. Packaged goods like instant ramen really were a great thing to have in handy. Not only work as a food, but it can also be used as a currency in the barter system that will develop in the initial stages of the apocalypse.

He took a few earthen jars of pickled vegetables, kimichi and a frozen chicken in each bag.

"Mum, can I take a quail to them?!" he shouted from above.

"They are too small. Let them grow a bit and have kids of their own. We can give them some," she shouted back.

"Oh okay, that sounds logical." He mumbled, placing a few essentials inside. Since Bakbak was here, the little quails seem more cheerful and energetic. They follow being her like little tails.

Even Eh did not have the heart to separate them now.

The working freezer had a few frozen fruits inside. He took some apples and oranges.

As for the other vegetables, his father had grown and stored a few varieties of it.

Cucumbers, bottle guards, carrots, radishes, and his favourite spinach.....

He packed a few in each bag, along with a block of tofu.

"What else...." he mumbled, glancing around. Seeing the bundled up stuff, He could not decide what more to take.

Yue ran back down. Took a few clean towels, cleaning supplies and blankets from his closet and placed it on top of the overflowing bag. "This will do for now,"

Finished with his packing, he searched though his cupboard and changed into a simple black jumpsuit. It was made up of some fabric that was elastic and super soft.

He wore his waist length hair up in a low ponytail with a random hair tie he found lying around and rushed out.

"Yue Yue here, take this," his mother handed him a takeout box of cooked unpeeled eggs and raw chicken thighs braised in five spices. "Tell Ling to fry these up when she wants to. As for Peng Peng tell him to eat well. I heard that he is distraught,"

Yue frowned. "Peng Peng? distraught? That is odd. I'll go see what is the matter,"

His dear friend plus makeup artist had never really shown such expression as distrust in his years he had known him. Peng peng claimed that it will make his face ugly with wrinkles.

'Maybe he is scared of this new change. Poor Peng Peng. He must be so lonely and worried. Maybe I should call him here,' he thought.

But looking at his overflowing household, he held back that thought.

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