Chapter 175 - 175 - The Clingy And The Soft Hearted

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Zou Yue finally sorted every take-out box with the quails and the chicken in a corner. As for the cat basket, he placed it inside another ventilated box. If in case the cat mutates, he could take care of it easily.

The quails and chicken would be easier to kill off. But this naughty cat was very, very fast.

"We have burned down the plants," Lui said tiredly, wiping her sweat. She plopped down on the sofa next to him. "Say, who was that uncle who flew us here?"

"Uncle Bohai? He is a friend of ours. He helped me out with buying this place and also renovating it. He is multi-talented."

"I see..." she nodded with a look of interest. "Introduce us when you can,"


Zou Yue was more than happy to be the matchmaker. Uncle Bohai was very sweet and kind, but there was one setback.

"He is old, you know,"

"How old?"

"He is in his thirties and you are just eighteen..."

Lui looked at him in pleasant shock. "I'm glad you think that, but I'm twenty-two years old. Started my college late."

"Oh, that explains a lot,"

Naturally, he agreed to help her out. After which she just laid on the sofa for a nap.

Tian and his parents were finished with burning off the other plants. There was no more work left for him to take care of.

Yue walked over to the garden area and once more inspected the soil. If in case, he spotted a single root. He plucked it away and tossed it into the small, controlled fire they had started inside.


"Trexa baby, what are you still doing there?" he went to pick her up, but she just shook her head, refusing to move. "Baby, what are you watching there? Won't you come with baba to watch the stars?"

Trexa looked up with interest, but still, she shook her head and keenly looked at the slightly murky water surface.

"Fine... I'll go by myself," he kissed her small head and walked off to his room.

He pulled down the stairs and climbed up to the roof through the small opening on the roof.

Zou Yue carefully walked past the multiple solar sheets that were protected with chicken mess wire. There was no safe place to sit. He walked around a bit until he spotted a solar sheet that was complexly charred.

He plopped on it, gazing up at the beautiful night sky. But unlike usual, it was very bright as the huge meteors descended slowly casting a ray of light in their path. The meteor shards collectively looked like a sparkling firework.

They were very beautiful to look at, but the nasty things they hid would endanger earth and its inhabitants.

"This is the beginning..."

All that happened till now was like a trailer to a movie. This was when the actual movie will begin....

The times will change where the hunters become the hunted. Mutated plants and animals would roam the earth, hunting humans as their food source.

Not only that....Somehow the two viruses combine and affected the zombies, making them stronger faster, as well as smarter.

After this stage, he could easily expect every undead to be at least a level one zombie.

He glanced at the wall that was being built in a hurry. 'I need to join the workforces soon. It would be useful if anyone with earth ability and metal ability can join the forces. I can suggest uncle to find a way to keep track of everyone with abilities.'

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