Chapter 174 - 174 - Home Cleaning And Quarantining

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After a while, Tian and Juda came back with smiles and giggles.

Yue just gave his sister a look for which she shook her head not to ask anything.

"Let's go home then," he picked up all the heavier bags and everything that he could carry in his hands.

"Um let me take care of that," Juda just touched them, and all disappeared.

Yue looked at her with appreciation. "My aching back could have used your skill a long time ago."

"I told you guys to take me..."

"No, we won't, be barely survived. It was so, so.. so bad this time around. The whole building was filled to the brim with zombies. Not just that, the fire alarm went off and would not stop. All the zombies in the vicinity rushed to the hospital."

He pulled open the door for his parents to leave as he was narrating the story.

In hindsight, he noticed a familiar person in the hall.

"Wait a darn minute," he leaned down and peered intensely. The back of that head was very familiar, but he could not remember who that was.

"It's that screamer," Tian said after taking a casual look.


"The one who screamed I killed him. It was hilarious actually. Never knew anyone could shout in such a high pitch," she mumbled to Juda.

Then it came it him. This person was none other than the annoying Liwei.

'What is he doing in the house? I thought uncle banned him from coming in here? Agh I hate him...'

He watched as the man scurry around like a rat hiding in various corners. Two men met up with him there with puppies in hand.

"Don't look Yue," Juda suddenly pulled him back.

"No, I'm curious. What is that guy doing this time?.."

"Just don't look," she sternly glared at him.

"Okay.... wait; were they the ones who bullied you?"

Juda's facial expression shifted drastically. "No! I said let's go!"

Before he could even react Tian already rushed past them.

"Tian, stop! Oh my god, when will you both listen. Violence is not the answer."

Yue glanced back with a knowing smile. "But it's a solution in this case. Plus I have some beef with that Shorty. I'll be back in a minute." He happily rushed off with Tian.

"Uncle, Aunt, aren't you going to stop him?"

Juda glanced at them.

Yue's mum just shrugged. "He is technically grown up. Besides, he knows what he is doing and what is he capable of. Plus I have taught him t run whenever he is in a bad situation,"

"Yeah, that's a good strategy. When you can't win, you run," Yue's dad added, hugging his wife to his side.

"agh..." Juda anxiously rushed after the two.

"This is going to be awesome. Che, I wish I had my phone with me,"' Lui excitedly ran after them whilst eating a peach.

Yue silently pulled Tian to the side eavesdropping on their conversation.

"This is all you can find? I told you to find a pedigree. Not this fucking mutt,"

"Just pay up bitch," the man gruffly said, pushing Liwei back.

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