Chapter 197 - 197 - Admitted

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"Here gently place him here," the doctor's hurriedly shouted, pushing a stretcher to her.

Tian gently placed Yue on the bed and tucked his hands in without touching his gauze-wrapped hand. "he was badly electrocuted! His hands are burned and his heart.. stopped. I did CPR and his heart rate is back to normal." She briefed them.

The doctor looked up at her, surprised. "How did he get electrocuted?"

"S-solar panels. He was fixing them. Please. Please take a look at him," she whispered, wiping the sweat off her brows.

The doctor doubtfully nodded and rolled Yue into the ward.

A few minutes later, the car zoomed in the barrack and Fan Xui was wheeled in. Juda rode along with him.

"How is he? Is he okay?"

"Yeah, his vitals are normal..." Juda weirdly looked at Fan Xui. "It's very weird...."

Fan Xui too was wheeled into the ward.

Tian and Juda quickly cleaned themselves up and dressed in sterilized clothes before entering the ward.

Fifty beds were lined up pretty close to each other. Since this was a military barrack there was a hospital facility inside but the only problem was the facility was very small.

It could accompany only about fifty patients maximum.

For now, all the beds were full of soldiers infected with the zombie virus. All of them were chained tightly to their bed in case they hurt anyone else.

Yue and Fan were treated right on the stretcher as is.

Tian watched as they hooked them up with heart monitors and many other devices.

They even injected Yue a few times. As for Fan Xui, they checked him and the doctor cleared him as normal.

Only Yue was in the worst situation.

After a long time of struggle, his pulse rate stabilized. The doctors went back to take care of other patients while Tian stayed back with Yue and Fan Xui.

"Juda, I need burn cream and gauze," she whispered, calling her lover who was busy running about.

"I'll bring it,"

Gently, Tian removed the bandage around his arm. His skin was burned black and it was wrinkling up. It looked like a second-degree burn. In her profession, she had received a lot of burns like this. It would not have much of an effect if it was in a part of the body with a lot of skin but since it was his hands that had more nerve endings there is a high possibility that Yue might suffer from nerves tightening.

Her eyes fogged up with tears. She shook her head and steadied her heart while bandaging his hands.

"Tian. H-how is he.. is he okay?.." Hary gently tapped on her shoulders.

"Hary..." she hugged him tightly. "He barely survived... he barely survived.. He was not breathing Hary. He... he was not breathing.." she sobs she had been holding in burst out. "it was so scary...."

"shh... he is okay now. Don't cry.. shhh..." Hary hugged her close peering at Yue with an unknown look.

"How is Fan?"

"He is good, I think..." Tian glanced to the nearby bed. Fan Xui looked like he was sleeping peacefully. If she had not seen how badly he was convulsing on the ground, she would have not felt an ounce of pity for him.

But the poor guy looked like he was suffering.

"I don't know what went wrong. I sent Yue to talk to him and suddenly I saw flashes of light from his window. Electricity was passing around everywhere Hary... It's like his body is going out of control...." she whispered softly to him. "w-what if... what if one day I might lose control too.... what if I burst into a ball of flame?,"

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