A Viking and a Goddess (Rollo x Female OC Story)

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This story wasn't requested by anyone, but I hope you like it! I haven't watched all of the show Vikings, but I have studied them and am working my way through the show, so please bear with me if I get details wrong! This oneshot may have smut in it, so if it does, reader's discretion is advised. And anything in bold is old Norse since I don't know how to write that out on the computer. Alright, I think I've talked enough, let's get to the story!

Fern's POV

Kattegat, the capital of the Empire my father started many moons ago, shone on the hillside as the sun rose away from Skol's claws. I inhaled, smiled on my little chariot, and made my way down to the gates before they opened. My name's Fern, and I am one of the many warriors of the Allfather Odin called valkyrie. I didn't normally come to Midgard even during battles until after a warrior died, but Frigg-she's Odin's wife-told me I had to come here to meet a brave warrior before the heat of battle. And this is that story.

My horses drove me to the gate and the guard before me said in the Midgardian native tongue, "State your business here, woman." I just stared at him for a moment, trying to figure out who he was and what family he belonged to; he didn't look that old if his blonde hair was to be believed. And he definitely hadn't ever seen the front lines. I could tell he was getting frustrated with me just staring at him, so he growled to himself and said again, "State your business in Kattegat before I get Jarl Lothbrook, woman!"

At the mention of the Lothbrook name, my heart skipped a beat despite its battleworn state and I replied without thinking, "I've come to speak with that man. Take me to him and you will learn your place in the hall of heroes." The boy stared at me while I spoke and I knew he'd either understood me or was pretending to understand me. Note to self: Ask Odin about this. "Does a man named Lothbrook serve as Jarl of this clan? If so, take me to him." My horses nearly ate the kid's hair and I cocked my eyebrow at them while yanking the reins. This wasn't going to be good if I didn't get into the city.

"Who're you talking to out here, Torfin? And why are you not guarding the flank?" a deep voice asked Strange Guard-now named Torfin. I kept my head high as another man about my height in the chariot appeared and Odin help me, the sun was a crown behind him. It took everything I had to not jump down off the chariot and dive into his arms right then, and I didn't know his name! That was the most surprising part about all of this. He looked right at me and asked in a language I could understand, "Do you have business with my brother, madame?"

I nodded and replied, "I am here on behalf of Uppsala to speak with Jarl Ragnar Lothbrook about a fight he had with Jarl Borg a few moons past." The gorgeous man flinched when I mentioned why I needed to speak to his apparent brother and I cocked my head to the side while asking, "Do you know of whom and of what I am speaking, sir?"

He nodded, stood aside, and replied, "Disembark and follow me." The growl in his voice stopped my heart in its tracks for a moment and I had to stop my legs from turning to pools of goo below me while I slowly got out of my chariot. My horses neighed at me-probably emploring me to stay on the chariot, now I think about it-and I stroked the leader's onyx mane to soothe her.

The man called Torfin mumbled something under his breath in his native tongue, "How does she not understand us when she's on a chariot that looks like the Jarl's chariot? This one's not going to survive here for very long.

The man whom I was following looked from me to the chariot and asked me, "Why are you riding the Jarl's chariot, miss? Ragnar won't like that when he sees it." I cocked my head at his statement of familiarity with the Jarl and he added, "I am Rollo, Ragnar's brother and one of his former enemies when Jarl Borg fought him. I know how my brother will act when you ride in on that chariot."

"How else would I get around? The AllFather makes me ride this even when I tell Him that I don't need to." I usually never mentioned Odin around Midgardians if I had to, but these two were apparently pigheads and didn't figure out what I was doing there; at least, I hope the one that called himself Rollo wasn't too much of a pighead that I couldn't love him as Lady Frigg said I would. However, what I didn't bank on was Rollo and Torfin staring at me for about twenty seconds before bowing low to me and hiding their faces in probably subjugation; whoopsies! Not my goal, and I screwed up. That got me out of my chariot and I rushed to Rollo, tapping his head and saying, "It's alright, I'm not here to take anyone to Valhalla. I'm here on Odin's behalf to speak with your brother about a marriage."

Rollo looked up at me and asked possibly without thinking, "Whose marriage are you referring to, madame?" I stared at him and something in his eyes seemed to stop his heart from doing I had no clue what. Men are strange and I don't want to pretend to know what they're thinking half of the time. When Rollo kept staring at me and I said nothing, he asked, "Are you here looking for a husband when you're a Valkyrie?"

I nodded and replied while crossing my arms over my chest, "Is that a bad thing, Mr. Tall and Mighty?" I didn't want to feed too much into his ego by saying he was handsome, but I'd be lying if you asked me otherwise and I am on a tangent. Rollo stared at me for a few moments before turning his back to me and walking into the city. I smiled to myself at his strong back, followed him, and kept my ears peeled for any gossip that I could take back to the goddesses. I didn't know what would await me when I returned home, but I did know one thing. A Viking-preferably the one I was looking at-was going to have himself a Valkyrie goddess as a wife and he'd better protect me. Let's just hope I got Rollo as my husband and that Lady Frigg was right about her predictions.

A/N: I'm so sorry this update was probably trash and didn't make a lot of sense! I'm going to try and write a second part to this oneshot hopefully soon, but I make no promises on an exact date since I don't have an upload schedule at this time. There will be more updates coming to this book and my other books, so keep your eyes peeled for those so you can see them! And now, I'm going to get back to writing, so this is T-Lizzo signing off until the next update. Ta-ta for now!

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