To Premier Or Not, That's The Question (Cillian Murphy x Female OC Imagine)

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This was requested by my lovely brain to write for your faces, I hope you enjoy it! This oneshot may contain smut, so if it does, be advised, lovely readers! I know the actor himself is married in real life and is very happy, but for the sake of the oneshot, he is single at this time. This is also the first oneshot I've ever written for this actor, so if I get him wrong, my deepest apologies! Now, I've yammered on long enough, let's get to the story!

Madeline's POV

Being famous was something I never got used to even after being in movies and television shows for more than five years. Granted, my parts had always been small ones and I usually died during them, but that's besides the point. I sighed as I stared in my vanity mirror, hoping my red lipstick wasn't getting smeared onto my teeth as I mushed it in to make it even; I also hated getting glammed up for movie premiers when I had to go to them. "Why did I have to go to this when I'm not even in the movie?" I groaned at my reflection as my glam team bustled around me to get their supplies ready.

"Because if you don't go, you won't get to see your friends who were in the movie, honey. And you know as well as I do that you want to see all of them do amazing work," my hair stylist, Peter Devereaux replied from behind a rack full of amazing gowns of all different styles and colors. He poked his head out from between two of them and added, "That and the star will be there, who you've not seen since the show we won't dare mention. Why don't you go and show him what he's missing?"

I bristled at the notion of the worst day of my life coming to the forefront; the day I lost the love of my life to fame. Sure, I'd picked myself up again after Cillian broke my heart, but it took me years before I got back into acting again. That was mostly due to Peter nagging me that I should, but he's my cousin too, so I listen to him. I balked at him and asked, "Do you want me to kick you in the place Gavin loves to suck every night? Because I will."

"You're mean when you want to be," was the reply I got from him before he vanished into the clothes and I got back to having people poking and prodding me with makeup and brushes and chemicals. Did I mention I hated makeup? Yes? Well I'm saying it again because I fucking hate makeup. Peter smiled and handed me a hanger with a garment bag and said, "This is the dress for you to wear tonight."

I cocked my eyebrow at him and asked, "What type of dress is it?" He said nothing, classic Peter, and handed the bag to me while still beaming like a child at Christmas. I took the dress bag, held it away from me as if it were a bomb, and headed into the ensuite bathroom to change. Before I shut the door, I yelled, "If I come out looking like a slut, I'm killing you!"

"You'll thank me later!" Peter screamed back as I sighed and got changed into whatever dress he'd picked. I hoped silently that it was going to be a good one because if it wasn't, I'd grow five heads and murder him Hydra-style. However, when I opened the bag up, a black V-neck gown stared at me and I muttered, "If he doesn't love me after this, then I will throw hands." I got the dress on, somehow managed to close it myself, and prayed to all the gods in every religion that this went well tonight. If it didn't, then I had no hope for any romantic prospects.

Le Timeskip to the Movie Premiere

The limo stopped right at the end of the carpet and the nerves were finally getting to me. I hadn't done a premiere like this in years, so I had no clue what to do other than hope to God I didn't fall over and make a huge ass of myself. Gripping my gold clutch, I inhaled whatever confidence I had left in the air and pushed the door open, the crows and flashing lights alerting me that this was real and I couldn't back out now. I slowly got out of the car, plastered a smile onto my face, and heard, "Maddy! Over here, please, over here!"

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