A/N: I am taking requests for this book

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Hello, my lovely readers! T-Lizzo here, signing on to let you all know that I am taking requests for this book! If you would like a request, then please leave it in the comments on this page or PM me with the following:

-Series/Movie you want your one-shot based around (I have both Harry Potter and Twilight imagine/preference books, so those requests will go there if I get them)

-A character from that series or movie (can be male or female)

-A potential plot that you would like me to write or if you want me to free-hand a plot

-Your character's name if they have one or if you want it to be a Y/N-based story (specify the gender of your character as well, if you have one in mind, i.e. male/female reader)


Once you request it, I will make a note of it in my handy-dandy request journal and get to them as soon as I can! They will be coming slowly, as I am currently in school and trying to update my other two books that have requests in them, but requests are open! There is absolutely no obligation to fill out a request, but if you would like to request a story, then feel free to! (If I don't know the series/movie that you are requesting from, then I will do my research so I write you the one-shot that you requested :) )

Thank you so much in advance, stay awesome, and I look forward to reading all your requests in the comments! This is T-Lizzo signing off until a later date! :) :D

One Shots Of Amazingness! (Requests are Closed! :) :D)Where stories live. Discover now