The Love-Lasso Way (TED LASSO Jamie Tartt x Female OC)

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Requested by my brain since I finished Ted Lasso recently and I need to write about it. I hope you guys like it, and I don't know soccer/football, so I will get things wrong. Now, this oneshot may be filled with smut, so if it is, reader's discretion advised. If not, then be prepared for fluffiness. Now, I've yammered on enough, let's get to it!

Courtney's POV

I never understood football even when I was in secondary school. So why I chose to write my first novel about a football star falling in love with his agent is something I'll never understand. My name is Courtney Davenport, famous author based out of Manchester, England, and this is the story of how I found the love of my life while writing about his team.

I sighed as I drove my car to the AFC Richmond stadium for my interview with the manager of the team, Ted Lasso; I'd heard about him through the grapevine, but never had the chance to meet him face to face on account of being a workaholic writer who didn't have a social life outside of my writing group. But that's for another time, I think. "Why did I have to do this on a Monday when I hated Mondays?" I muttered as my car came to a stop in a parking spot at the far side of the lot and I turned it off. Did I mention I wasn't a morning person? Just now? Ok, good, remember that because that'll be important.

As I mustered up the courage to leave my car, I heard, "Hey there! Are you the new girl Trent brought in to help him write his book?" The accent was clearly not from anywhere I knew with its distinctive Southern twang, and I found it oddly charming and wanted to hear more-it also helped that I'd gotten the driver's side door opened and could hear it clearly. I poked my head out and over my car to meet the eyes of Ted Lasso himself staring at me with a big smile and a waving hand. I shyly waved back while shambling out of my car and he rushed over while saying, "Whoa there! You're like my mother trying to get to a garage sale or something."

"I don't know what that is, but I'm assuming it's a good thing," was the curt reply I gave him while dropping my work bag to the pavement. "Bollucks!" I screamed and quickly bent down to grab the papers and my laptop littering the side of my car. While I was doing this, Ted joined me and I stopped what I was doing to stare at him; why'd he help me when he didn't know the slightest thing about me other than what Trent probably told him? "Why're you helping me when you don't know me?"

Ted stopped what he was doing and replied, "Because you looked like you needed help and I wanted to. I wasn't going to be like Roy Kent and leave you to your own devices." The mention of the famous Richmond starter made my heart race in not a good way because if Roy was here, then the man I'd been desperate to avoid for the majority of my adult life and writing career would be not far behind. And I didn't know what my heart would do if I saw him again. My face apparently looked like I'd seen something not good because Ted asked, "Hello there? Is there something on my face I need to remove?"

I came to, shook my head while putting my laptop back in my bag, and grabbed the papers from him while answering, "I'm fine. I just need coffee and to get negative thoughts out of my head." I shoved the papers into my bag before smiling at him and saying, "Thanks for helping me pick my stuff up. Now, excuse me." I didn't give him the chance to talk as I body-checked him and rushed into the stadium bowels, hoping I'd gotten lucky.

"Courtney?" a voice I knew too well asked me the minute my foot touched carpet: God, you hate me, don't you? I didn't dare look up until that same voice said louder, "Courtney, is that you?" Well, the cat's out of the bag. I looked up and was met with a smiling Jamie Tartt barreling toward me as fast as if he was on the field and I was a football ball heading away. When he was about two feet away from me, I felt him reach around me in a tight hug, pick me up, and spin me around while exclaiming, "It is you! Fucking hell, I never knew when I'd see you again! What're you doing here?"

I couldn't fight the giggle weaseling its way out of my throat as the hallway spun around me and replied, "Put me down and I'll tell you. If you don't, I'm ruining your practice jersey right here and now." Jamie lowered me to the ground and I waited a bit before speaking due to the area around me still moving and Jamie keeping his arms around my waist; this man will be the death of me if he knows it or not. Gripping the shoulder strap of my bag, I answered, "Trent Crimm wants me help him write his book about you guys, so I'm here to observe only. If you speak to me, Mr. Tartt, I'm writing about what happened in the locker room at secondary school." True, I didn't have a pen on me to be threatening, but the metaphor was there.

"You wouldn't do that to your best friend, would you?" he countered and I stared him down, showing him I was very serious in following through with my threat. Jamie stared at me in turn and then said, "You're not kidding, and that's what I love about you." I stopped when the word "love" left his mouth and something about how I stared at him either didn't sit right with him or made him reconsider what he'd said because he appeared to backtrack on what he previously said.

"Y-You love me?" If I could drop a case of pins on the floor, they'd be the only thing anyone in this entire building heart for hours. My already racing heart beat faster as I watched my childhood crush read my soul. People passed by us out of the corner of my eyes and I whispered, "WE have people staring at us. What're you going to do now, Tartt?"

Jamie didn't answer before grabbing my hand and pulling me into I had no clue where; this was my first time at a football club, so I was a lost puppy. Hallways wound around us as I watched Jamie talk with players and people I assumed were trainers. I gripped my bag on my shoulder and he said, "I'm sorry for dragging yeh through the halls, but I need to talk to yeh privately and it can't wait."

"But what about your practice? I know you well enough to know you won't miss it!"

Jamie didn't answer while we ran into a room filled to the brim with shoes, shutting the door and locking it behind him. This wasn't like him at all, and I didn't know how to handle it apart from back up and hope he wasn't losing his mind. That only made him inch closer to me and by the time I hit a shoe locker, Jamie's hands were on my cheeks and he told me, "I love you, Courtney Davenport. I know this isn't the best place to be saying this, but I wasn't kidding earlier. I fucking love yeh and always have."

My heart did a marathon back to my car and drove away because I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "What about Keeley?" I managed to get out while Jamie's chocolate eyes bore holes through me into the shoes behind me. I didn't know how I wanted him to react, but what I got wasn't what I was expecting by any means. Jamie's eyes moved toward my lips and if my heart wasn't racing before, well it was then. Why was this boy so ingrained in my bones/ I die the same was him and asked, "What're you going to do?"

"Something I should've done a fucking long time ago," was the answer I got before Jamie Tartt's lips were on mine and my voice went on a trip to God knew where. The world around us faded as I sighed into the kiss and let Jamie take me on a religious experience; I didn't want to ever let go of him. What I did let go of was my work bag and snake my arms around his neck to pull him closer to me and deepen the kiss. That seemed to spur him onward and Jamie ground his hips against my core, ripping a moan from my throat and making him groan against my lips. I didn't know how long we'd been kissing, but when Jamie pulled away and rested our foreheads together, he muttered, "Roy's gonna kill me, but it's worth it." 

I couldn't stop the giggle leaving my mouth and the blush that was blooming on my cheeks. Jamie chuckled in turn and our lips met again in a passionate, chaste kiss that could've rivaled all other kisses in fiction and reality. True, Jamie tartt did have practice and I still had to meet Trent for our first writer's group, but missing them was worth it because we were together and no one was going to take Jamie away from me if I had anything to say about it.

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