57th chapter

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Potions class was just about to end and we were clearing our seats when Natty tapped me and pointed out one of the small windows.

"It's time," she said, smiling at me. The second heartbeat has been getting stronger and stronger over the past few days. It was as if my Animagus form was growing inside me.

After class, the four of us ran outside. We ran up to the small hill where our bottles were hidden. Natty opened the magically sealed pit and offered us our potions, smiling. They were red like blood.

"So you have to say the formula one last time. Then you drink the potion. It all hurts a lot, but then you've finally made it. I'm so excited.", Natty said happily. "So are we!" Garreth said, laughing. We stood side by side, held wands to our own chests, and chanted "Amato Animo Animato Animagus" for the last time.

We exchanged looks one last time before sipping the blood-red brew.

Garreth was the first to finish and collapsed. "It's alright, that's normal." Natty said calmly.

In the next moment, a terrible pain shot through my body. I felt myself sag, but I didn't see Natty and the boys anymore, I saw leaves. I was high up in a treetop. I saw a beech tree in front of me and jumped from branch to branch with incredible ease to reach the beechnuts.

Despite the constant pain, I happily jumped from branch to branch and collected beech nuts. I was a little squirrel. This was my Animagus form.

Slowly the pain subsided, and when I blinked, I was back on the hill. Sebastian was still lying on the floor next to me while a large dog sat in front of me. He looked at me piercingly with his big, friendly and green eyes and slurped my face. I sat down and looked at him more closely. He had long, dark golden fur and wagged his tail happily. I smiled softly, "That suits you perfectly, Garreth."

A second later, Garreth was standing in front of me, beaming at me. I pictured the crimson squirrel I was seeing in the vision and a moment later, Garreth looked like he'd grown twenty feet.

"Mungu wangu, you look so cute!" Natty said happily while Garreth took me gently in his hand and stroked my head.

I heard Sebastian moving. I hopped off Garreth and jumped happily towards Sebastian. He looked at me in confusion for a moment before smiling and lifting me up and holding me in front of a face. "Remarkable," he whispered.

He set me down on the floor and stood up. "That really hurt," he said, stretching. I climbed back onto Garreth and perched on his shoulder.

A moment later, a dark brown lynx sat on the spot where Sebastian was just standing. He brushed around Garreth's legs and meowed in a very deep voice. Garreth knelt down next to him and stroked his head. "Now that you look a bit like a kneazle I like you even more," he said, smiling, "Thanks Natty for everything. Do you want to race?"

Natty nodded friendly, "But don't get your hopes up, I'm a flight animal. I'm designed to be fast.". 

I hopped onto Sebastian's head while Natty and Garreth transformed again.

Sebastian walked over to Garreth and nudged him lovingly with his head.

Suddenly, a gazelle ran away from us. Sebastian and Garreth immediately ran after them, but the gazelle was much faster and stopped again and again. I also wanted to test how fast I was, so I jumped off Sebastian's head onto the grass.

Sebastian stopped and looked at me. I ran. It felt like I'd never done anything other than live a squirrel life.

Sebastian jumped onto Garreth from behind and knocked him over. The two romped across the meadow and played.

Enchanted by freckles - Garreth Weasley & Sebastian Sallow x female MCWhere stories live. Discover now