84th chapter

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"Garreth, Caelie. It is now time to say your vows," John said, my heart sinking at the thought. I hated speaking in front of so many people, but I wanted to take the initiative at least for once.

"I would start if that's ok with you," I said quietly. Garreth looked surprised, but nodded cheerfully.

"Garreth, I want to apologise to you first. For not noticing the feelings for you until so late." I began when Yvain interrupted me. "Caelie, you have to speak louder, we hardly hear anything and we're sitting in the front row."

I nodded, blushing, and cleared my throat before continuing to speak louder:

"But please know that although I realized the feelings late, I could not imagine life without you for many years before. You were always with me and I am still grateful to you for that.

I am grateful not only to you but also to your parents for giving us the opportunity to spend three months at a time day and night together during the summer holidays.

When you were in the hospital, it was the worst time of my life. Not that the current time is much easier, but the knowledge that Matilda could come to us at any moment and tell us that you are dead has changed me forever.

Never in my life have I been so afraid. Sebastian and I ate next to nothing during the time you were in the coma. We had lost so much weight that she was even concerned. I also want to apologize for that, Matilda.

But time stood still without you. Your laughter, your bright eyes, the smell of your beautiful hair and also just hearing you breathe or snore softly. I missed all that so much.

It was all the nicer when you came back and the three of us were finally together again.

Suddenly, the world was more colorful than ever before. The year from your return to this February has been the best time of my life.

I hope that one day we'll all be together again, but until then, our time will not stand still. We're going to build the life we've always dreamed of with at least two beautiful, freckled kids.

I love you so much Garreth. I'd love to kiss every freckle on your body to show you that, but let's face it, by the time I'm done, my lips are sore. That's why I'm asking you to believe me as well.

I love your beautiful green eyes, especially when they're sparkling like they are right now. I love your red curls and how they look a little bit different every day. I love your soft voice when you wake me up, or your laughter when you're trying to tell me a joke you find funny yourself. I love that you're just as emotional as I am, and that you're not ashamed when you cry. I love that you don't pretend, but always are the way you are. Perfect.

I know you don't see it that way, but to me you are perfect. There would be nothing I would change about you, I would never even want to correct your little quirks. You are perfect just the way you are now.

I look forward to our future together. To more ingenuities you develop and more delicious food you serve me. And I'm going to do what I think I do best. I'll be by your side, loving you unconditionally.

I'll have your back if you need it. I will clean your stinking cauldrons when an experiment has gone wrong and you sadly sit on the sofa, and I'll collect your test spiders again the next time you forget to close the box properly and run out of the house screaming because a spider has roped down in front of you.

I will massage your shoulders if you are tense because you are stressed by your students. I will listen to you when you tell me something, even if I don't understand it, because I know how important it is for you to tell me everything that's on your mind. And I'll bear you a flock of red-haired children if you want it.

Enchanted by freckles - Garreth Weasley & Sebastian Sallow x female MCWhere stories live. Discover now