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Nora POV

A couple of days passed by since I've been released from prison. It was tough and I sure didn't need prison on my list of memories that I'd like to hide forever.

But I can't keep on hiding from what I've been through. People say leave the past where it belongs to... and that is in the past. But I can't keep on trying to forgive and forget if I have to relive my worst memories when I try to sleep.

I get some decent hours of sleep. But at some point memories start to unrattle and I am either trapped and I can't wake up until a certain point or I wake up from the start and I can't fall back asleep.

I can fall back to sleep but I don't want to because I know what I will have to face. My worst nightmares that I had to live through.
All by myself.

„Hey honey, what are you doing?" I felt Lizzie's hand on my shoulder as she gave me a kiss on the head. I closed my diary and placed it on the table next to me where I had my glass of water.

„Just scrambling some words onto paper. Nothing mentionable babe." I replied as I leaned against her arm. She walked around my legs and set down next to me on my left. She wrapped her arm around me and I leaned into her side hug.

„I could stay like this forever y'know." I told her after some minutes of comfortable silence passed by.

„Why's that? I bet there are way more comfortable positions we could lay in." she asked and I hummed while snuggling in more.

„I'll tell you why. It's pretty simple. I can hear your heartbeat so I know it's real. That this is real. And I can feel your breath sweeping over my head. How your thumb is stroking my upper arm. I'd trade the world just so I can stay like this with you."
I elaborated and she kissed me on the head.

„You amaze me Nora Lewis." she told me with joy lingering in her voice.

„Why's that? I haven't done much." I asked her.

„The way you let your heart speak. In the most simple moments we share, you seem to make them special just by saying something." she explained herself and I placed my hand on her thigh to squeeze it lightly.

I didn't look up to her because I still wanted to let my head rest there where I can be as close to her tender heart as possible. Besides, I watched our kids play around in the garden and I wanted to keep an eye on them since I haven't seen them in weeks.

„I am starting to be a bit more vulnerable around you. I can't help myself."

„I wish I could find the right words to tell you how much this means to me. I've been wanting you to be like this for so long. Just your authentic, true and honest self. I am relieved that you can be open around me and I am even more proud of you for taking those steps. I want to be next to in your healing journey, especially because I've been witnessing how much you've endured."
She responded and a spinet tear has dropped from my eye.

„Is that your phone or mine?" I asked as she got up to separate ourselves.

„It's mine. Yours is upstairs charging." she told me and I sat myself up letting my eyes follow her movements.

„Olsen here halo?" was all I heard because the next thing she did was walking towards her gardening corner.

She started to grow her own fruits, vegetables and herbs. I saw it in her house too but it looks like she's been perusing her hobby here too. She definitely has a way greener thumb than I do.
The only thing I am good at is chopping wood and building some small things like a swing for my kids.

She on the other side let's everything grow and blossem under her hands. It is amazing I won't deny that.

She can't stay still when she's on the phone and I totally get that. I am also someone who is always wandering around whenever I am on the phone.
Besides I don't like it when people listen to me when I am on the phone.

She's been standing still from time to time as she picks out sick leafs from her plants. She's already getting her hands dirty but I find it adorable how she can't keep her hands still when she's surrounded by plants.

She looks a bit tense ever since she picked up the phone. I wonder who is making her face frown so much that I'd like to massage that little wrinkle away that is appearing better her brows.

„Mooooom!!!" I pulled my attention away from watching Lizzie and looked behind her seeing how my kids call after me. They are at the swing and I pulled myself up and walked up to them.

„What's going on?" I asked seeing how Quinn is holding his stomach in pain.

„He twisted himself around to much on the swing. Now he's feeling bad." Chase told me and I knelled down to his hight.

„Buddy I told you to take it easy when it comes to you performing those stunts. Are you feeling nauseous?" I asked while tugging the hair behind his ear and he nod.

„I don't feel so well mom." he told me and the next thing her did was vomit but thank god he did it next to his side and not right in front of me.
I've never been good with people vomiting. I even despise it when I have to do it myself.

But I kept myself together which a mother has to do and I held his hand tight while stroking his back.
„It's okay my baby. Let it out." I told him and after a minute he was done.

„Do you feel better now?" I asked him and he nod while crying.

„Oh it's okay come here. I'll make you some soup alright." I lifted him up and carried him inside while Chase was walking right beside me.
He rested his head on my shoulder and as I came closer to the veranda where Lizzie's garden was close she glanced at me worried while still being on the phone.

I made a gesture to sign her that he threw up so she'd know what's going on and she nod understanding what I meant.

I walked in and carried him upstairs to his bed so he can change into his lightning McQueen Pyjamas.
He loves cars. Especially fast ones.

„Mommy can you please stay." he pouted and I couldn't help myself. I grabbed his desk chair and sat down next to his bed while holding his hand.

„No mommy. Please here." he tapped on his bedside even though it's not that big but I can't deny a wish from my kids. Especially when they are sick or when they feel bad.

„Of course. My baby boy try to rest okay. Tomorrow is a new day and I bet it will be better. My little stunt man." I leaned myself next to him and he laid his head between my chest while hugging me tight.


A/n: what a soft start for the fifth book huh

Glad I am starting off a new part I am exited for what's to come and I hope you are too!!!

Let's see where there journey will take us to

Stay tuned
Until next time
Peace and love ✌🏽❤️


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