I'd tap that!

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Nora POV

„How is it with your family? If I may ask." he questioned and I let out a sigh while turning my head away from him to watch Chestnut from afar.

„I never had it easy in my family. Always been the black sheep. Conflicts without an end. I lost my mother before I even got to know her. That is the short version." I answered while laughing a bit at the end and silence feel between us.

„I am sorry for your loss and for how conflicted your situation is with your family. I hope things will turn out for the better for you." he told me and I smiled at him faintly.

„So do I thanks man." I answered and he nod.

„So enough about our backstory's." I directed the conversation into another direction and he listened closely.

„Right. Since I listened on your conversation with the prisoner I know what he wants in order to sign the divorce papers."

„Yeah he wanted to see Lizzie again and he wanted to come out of prison for reinforcement."
I reminded myself out loud.

„Right. Theoretically we can get this application form to get him out for reinforcement."

„But that's not an option." I told him and he nod.

„I know. That wasn't my proposal either I just wanted to clear it up for you." he explained himself.

„So what is your plan then cause he won't sign if he doesn't get free." I asked him.

„I will let him sign some papers. He will believe that those papers will be the ones to help him out. Instead he won't leave. It's a trap."

„You are allowed to do that? I don't want to get you into trouble." I asked him wanting to make sure that I won't cause any issues.

„The police can be corrupt sometimes. Not that I think it's right. But I know my ways and if I have to step into a grey zone for once I can do it without being harmed. I use these ways in order to help."
He reassured me and I felt a bit more at ease.

„But what's with my girlfriend. He said he wanted to see her again. Or else he won't sign."

„Let that be my problem Nora." he told me and I am really curious about what he has in mind.

„What are you gonna do? Hop into some heels and put on a blond wig to imitate my girlfriend?"
I asked him jokingly and he laughed.

„No. Some prisoners deserve the rough treatment and he will get that." he told me and I hummed.

„I need some weeks to prepare everything. Give me the divorce papers and I will let you know when you can pick them up. Signed!!" he answered and I got up to call for Chestnut.

„Alright. The papers are in my car." I told him while tilting my head to sign him that we should head off which we did with Chestnut between us.
Something I have noticed is that he does that sidewalk thing with me. That he walks on the sidewalk side that is closer to the road as if he wanted to protect me.

After our walk back to my car I went to to look for the papers that weren't in my bag at the front.
So I walked to the back of my car to search for it there.

„Did you forget the papers at home?" he asked me as he walked to me and I shook my head.

„No I had them in my car I remember that. It's just a bit messy in my car now can you maybe check in the front in the side compartment? It might be in there and if not you'd be right with me forgetting to bring the papers."

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