A possible solution?

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Narrator POV

„Wow. A special guest. What bring me the honor?"
That voice send Nora into a freezing moment.

„I'm probably gonna be the last woman you will see. So take that moment in." she fired back cold after she shook off her goosebumps.

„How is she doing?" he asked her while squinting his eyes.

„You already know that. Her skin is glowing ever since I fuck her so hard that she can't move. Not that you know how this works anyways."
Nora whispered so quiet that only he could hear it because those words are only meant for him.
A vein popped up on the side of his forehead and Nora smirked at this tension that build up.

„What do you want? Surely you don't want to rub under my nose how you amuse yourself on her."
He leaned back and Nora leaned forward.

„One request. Don't you think I have one wish open? Since y'know you tried to kill me?" she emphasized the word „tried" and a dreadful silence feel between them.

„I thought your wish came true since you put me behind bars?" he asked her.

„Yes because i thought I won't have to see or think of you ever again. Remember out of sight out of mind." she quote and he rolled his eyes.

„Sign those papers." Nora didn't plead she demanded it. After a moment of silence he started to laugh out loud.

„You think I am gonna do that? This is the only thing I can control and the only thing that is left for me to maintain my power over her and especially over you. I might be out of your sight but I am damn sure I am not out of your mind."

„Robbie..." Nora whispered as she clenched her jaw. He nails dig into her thighs as she is trying to hold herself back.

„Is that all you want? Because I just said no so this means you can actually leave."

„How long was this going on?" she asked him and he knew exactly what she meant.

„Some months." it slipped off his lips effortlessly.

„Months?" Nora questioned a bit louder even though she heard this bastard loud and clear.

„Oh my god... this is rich!" he started to burst into laughter as he held onto his stomach.

„Uhh this is the best thing i could ask for. She has been keeping me as a secret! That she was here so often. With this cleavage showing. Oh and the red lips with the red bra I could see while we looked at the papers." I've had enough!

„You son of a bitch you better sign this shit or I will make sure you will die in this prison like the fucking rat you are!!" I crawled over the table between us and punched him so hard making him fall out of his chair.

„I won't sign them if I can't see Lizzie again!!
I want to get out for probation!" he spat as blood poured out of hus mouth.

„MISS STAY BACK!!!" the guards ran in and I raised my hands getting off from the table. They wanted to touch me but I shrugged them off.

„You don't have to touch me! I already stepped back."

„Get the prisoner away." two other guards pulled him halfway up to drag him out of the room.
He was laughing while blood splashed out.

„You know the conditions!!! If you want her you have to do as i say!!!" he screamed and the door closed. I could still hear him laugh down the hall.

„Miss you need to leave!" the officers words made me snap back to reality.

„Yes officer. No offense but you guys have a shit job." i told him as I straighten my clothes that were a bit messy from earlier.

„No offense taken. We have worse days sometimes this was nothing." he told me whit a small smile resting on his face.

„What papers does he need to sign?"

„You've been listening?" i asked as i looked up at him while we walked out.

„We have to. It's our duty." he answered explained himself.

„He can't come out for probation officer. Please."
My eyes told him enough and he nod.

„I know what he did. I read his file. I am sorry Miss for what you had to go through. He won't come out for probation for that long. But I might have an idea-."

„Officer you are needed in the office!" another officer approached us and interrupted.

„Here, take this. Call me later or tomorrow.
We can meet and sort things out. I have my ways on handling things." he told me as he gave me a card with his name on it.

„Officer i can't take this offer. I don't want you to get in trouble for doing me a favor." I slid his hand back but he had a look telling me that he is insisting on it.

„I won't get in trouble.  Take it and message me miss." he added and I glanced down at his card and then back to him.

„Thank you officer." was all I could say.

„I will help wherever I can." he smiled and nod as he walked off leaving me at the exit where I can get my things back.

„Do you wanna bang her?" the other officer whispered but the hallway has a clear acoustic so I could hear it clear.

„Dude no!! She needs help and I am just opening her some doors. Her eyes told me that she needs this." he told him as he hit the back off his head.
He left the hallway completely and even though i felt a certain skepticism at first it faded away somehow and I know I can trust my gut with everything.  Especially when it comes to sensing people's intention.


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