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Nora POV

„Miss Lewis?" I turned around seeing Officer Garcia in front of me dressed in his casual clothes.
A white shirt with some jeans and glasses. His wavy hair is slicked back and a strain is resting in front of his forehead. He had one ear ring and two rings on his big hands.

If I'd see him on the streets I wouldn't guess that he is a cop. „Officer Garcia. Hi nice to finally see you again thank you again for making time for this."  we shook hands even though he didn't stretch it out I made the first move. I don't know why but I am really observant over that especially in new situations where I don't know the person that much.

„Of course but please call me Javier." wow that is an attractive name for a good looking guy.

„Of course and you can call me Nora as well."
I replied and I felt Chestnut swaying around my legs trying to gain my attention.

„Is she yours?" he asked as he knelled down to stretch his hand out first before he can pet her.

„Indeed yes. She's practically my shadow sometimes. That is Chestnut. Chestnut this is Javier." I introduced them and Chestnut sniffed his hand and licked it and then she leaned her head into his hand letting him stroke her head.

„That's odd she usually doesn't let everyone pet her." I told him and he smiled.

„Well I have a good hand with dogs. I used to have a police dog. My German shepherd."

„Used to?" I asked and his smile faded a bit.

„She was shot during a riot. She was my everything. The best partner in crime I could ever ask for."
He told me as he got back up to look at me.

„I am sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how that must feel. I don't wanna face the day where I'd have to lose her."

„I hope it won't be as harsh as I had to lose her." he told me and Chestnut walked through his legs up and down.

„I know a coffee shop some streets further down. Would you like to have one? And a donut too?"
I asked him and he chuckled.

„That donut thing might be a cliché.. but I am down for it. I haven't had one in a while." he took my offer willingly and we started to walk down the street.

„Yeah you don't really look like that cliché cop anyway. Didn't expect to-." I held myself back from finishing my sentence.

„To what?"

„To see a good looking cop. I never interacted with good looking cops." I replied simply.

„Is that a compliment?"

„It's a fact don't think there is any hope!! I am in good hands." I told him and he smiled while nodding.

„It's fine I was just surprised to hear it. Thanks I guess."

„So do you wanna tell me a bit more about the problem you have with that guy not wanting to sign those papers? Since this is the reason why we met. Give me the tea."

„The tea???" I rephrased him a bit taken back. Never heard that from a straight guy.

„I am sorry I have three younger sisters. Looks like they left their mark on me." he apologized and I laughed.

„No it's fine. It just took me by surprise. I guess I'll give you „the tea" but I'll keep it as short as I can."

„Of course go ahead." he says but before I could say anything else Chestnut ran up to the coffee shop because she always get a treat there.

„Let's order quick and I'll tell you everything after."
I told him as I signed him that we arrived at the coffee shop.

„I'll have a black coffee with oat milk please oh and a glazed donut."

„Make it two please."

„And for drink?" be asked me.

„An iced late with oat milk and a hint of cinnamon." I gave my order and pulled out my wallet but Javier shook his hand.

„This goes on me. You showed me this place so I pay. No arguing allowed." he told me as he payed and I raised my hands in defeat.

„Not sayin no to that thanks." I replied and we took out order to keep on with our walk.

„So you probably read his file already. Attempted murder and all." I started to tell him and he listened closely.

„Yeah I reread it yesterday to have everything in mind since I can't take files and cases with me. Again I am sorry for what he tried to do."
He replied sincerely.

„Thanks. I'm getting over it with time but it's still hard to process I am one of a kind who likes to burry and hide those memories and emotions."

„Well I know a good therapist that I can recommend if you don't have one yet. Not saying that you need one but y'know experiencing a situation like this is never easy. Just an offer."
He offered me and I nod.

„I was actually looking for a therapist. If you'd send me her details later that would be great thank you."

„Of course. I'll do it." he answered with a smile on his face.

„So to get back to the point. He is my girlfriends ex husband. Not literal ex husband cause technically she is still legally married to him but he doesn't want to sign the-."

„Divorce papers. That's what they are ahh." he put two and two together and I nod as we sat down on a bench. I let go of chestnut so she can run around on the field in front of us so we can talk more.

„I remember now your girlfriend was there a couple of times. She probably tired the same with making him sign those papers. You were just a bit more-."

„Rough?? Yeah. I lose my senses quick when it comes to him." I finished off his sentence and took a donut from the bag and handed him the other.

„Yeah but I get it if I'd be in your situation I would have probably done worse things."

„I am curious on how you will help me. Cause I honestly never trusted a cop let alone a guy on top." I asked him straight forward and he swallowed his bite from the donut.

„You'd probably expect me to say „you can trust me" and I would say that too but trust needs to be earned just like respect. So instead of that, I always wanted to help other people out. I had a rough childhood. My father was an ass he treated my sisters and mom like shit. Ever since I used to see that I started to have a sensitive spot for women.
I want to offer my help or protection if they need it. Not that every women needs it because I know enough who are more of a man then other guys will ever be. But I wanna use my „masculinity" for the better to maybe make the world for some women better." he explained himself to me openly and I was really shocked on how open he was about his background story.

„Thank you for sharing this Javier. I know how tough family can be and I am amazed by how good you turned out even through your environment might have been awful." I answered and be smiled faintly.


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