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Nora POV

„Okay kids come on it's time. Here take the keys and hop in I'll be right behind you." I threw the car keys towards Quinn and he caught them to head out with Chase right next to him.

„Do you have a long day today?" I asked Lizzie as she filled herself another cup of coffee. But this time to go.

„Not as Long as usual. So this means we can enjoy some dinner together tonight." she told me as she walked up to me.

„Great. So cooking together?" I asked her and she leaned closer and closer to reach my neck but she didn't kiss me even though I expected it.

„If you mean with „cooking together" that you will be sitting on the kitchen counter snacking while I cook then yes." she told me and I felt her warm breath on my skin.

„God you smell so good!" she complimented me and I was folding beneath her but I didn't want to show it.

„sweet how you melt beneath me. Don't try to hide it Love. I like seeing you this way."

„If I smell so good, why don't you taste me then?"
I asked her sounding a bit more grounded now.

„Like this?" she asked as she kissed my neck a bit tender but it didn't take her long till she was melting too. Her kisses became rougher and as she was sucking my skin I let out a soft moan because I couldn't hold myself back.

A honk separated us and she looked me deep into my eyes now. „What a shame that we have to go. But I actually just wanted to grab my keys. You were in the way babe." she told me as her hand that rested on my ass slid to the little side board in the hallway where she grabbed her keys.

„Ass." I rolled my eyes at her playfully and left the scene pretending to be mad.

„Come on babe. You know I'll always try to steal a kiss in every situation." she yelled after me as I heard how she closed the main door.

I stopped in front of my car and she jogged up to me sliding her hand behind my neck.

„So glad I could give you a souvenir. Now everyone will know that you are mine." she stroked over the sucked spot and I had a stern expression on my face.

„God damn it babe. I have to get some things done today. Now I have to walk around with this giant hickey ugh." I answered as I glanced into the car side mirror to check that this bitch gave me a hickey. I sounded mad but deep down I was into it. I just didn't want to give her that credit now.

„You will pay for this." I mumbled and she smirked.

„Come on, give mommy another kiss I need to head off." she stroked my ass and I opened my car door.

„You just lost your chance on getting a kiss Professor Olsen." I told her in a faked mad way and she chuckled.

„I see. That is my punishment and I will except it ma'am." she bowed as she said it and I couldn't help myself but to laugh.

„You think that is your only punishment? Just wait and see!" I added and she raised a brow while biting her lip. God she's so cocky sometimes but I fucking love it.

„Here take this." she kissed her fingers and placed them on my lips. God she's adorable.

„I'll make it up to you I promise." she winked and I could honestly scream now on how adorable she is.

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