At work

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Lizzie POV

„Professor Olsen! You have a wet stain on your pants!" a student called out in the hallway and I turned around to him.

„I am well aware Jason! Don't look at my ass or you will get an extra assignment!" I yelled at him and he went red.

„Apologies ma'am." he answered and walked off quick.

„For god sake Nora you really gave me a fucking souvenir." I mumbled to myself as I let out a sigh.

„Is everything okay?" Scar asked me as she walked up to me probably seeing that I was a bit angry at a student.

„Yeah take a look." I turned around and pointed at my wet hand imprint that Nora left behind.
I watched scars eyes move down to my ass. Her once frowned face now bursted into laughter and I rolled my eyes.

„Ha ha really funny." I replied being annoyed at her amusement.

„Oh this is hilarious. Come on. Please pose for this." she fumbled for her phone and I walked off.
It's like I am having a Nora 2.0 here.

„Come on Lizzie. This is fun. It suits you. Nora really did a great job with that." I heard her and I rolled my eyes.

„Is everything alright here? I heard some raised voices in the hallway." George asked as he got out of his office to check what is going on.  Oh god this can't get any more embarrassing.

„Dean. Sir no there is no issue at all. We were just talking." I told him as I stopped in my track.

„It's still George for you Elizabeth. Ah coach Johansson  I hope this season will be a triumph for our team."

„As per usual sir. I train my team to win." she added as she wiggled with her clipboard.

„Hey Lizzie. Come on your office is down the hall." scar bumped me and I glared at her.
I know damn well what she is doing. I'd have to turn my back on George and he'd see the hand imprint Nora left on my ass this morning.

„Y'know standing here is just. Pleasant.. right."
I answered while scratching the back of my head.

„Come on give me your heavy bag and I will carry it for you." she snatched the bag out of my hand as I was desperately trying to cover my ass with.

„Are you alright Elizabeth?" George asked me concerned and I nod.

„Hmm yeah totally. You can go back into your office and do office things." I answered and he looked a bit confused at me.

„Well I need to go to see professor Paulson. So that office is right in your direction."
To be specific that office is two doors further down than mine.

„Why don't we walk down the hallway together then hm." I told him and let him walk past me.

„How is Jessica doing?" I asked him trying to fill this awkward silence.

„I was about to ask you something about Nora. But Jessica is doing fine. Living her life as a retired housewife." he told and I hummed.

„So... how is Nora doing? Did she recover well?
I haven't seen her since I got her out of prison."
He asked me and I remembered now how brutally bruised Nora was when I saw her for the first time after weeks again. Till this day I don't understand why she was almost beaten to death.

„She healed good. Slow but good. About that. Did you really not know why she was beaten that hard? Any reason? I mean I know that Nora would never start a fight." I asked him trying to find any closure but he stopped in his track as I noticed he had his gaze lowered. As if he zoned out cause I asked that question.

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