tree house

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Narrator PoV

„Can I join you up there?" Lizzie yelled and she saw how the ladder being thrown down from the tree house Nora build for the kids.
Lizzie made her way up and sat down on the little pillow the kids prepared for her. Everyone was sitting on one.

„What ya doing?" Lizzie asked the twins.

„Making some cake." Chase replied as she was adding some water to the soft sand to make it sticky.

„Oh wow. What flavor has it?"

„Sand duh." Quinn answered that silly question making Lizzie laugh.

„Soo. You guys know that I love mom right?"

„Yeah we know mama."

„And do you know what happens when two people love each other?"

„They make love." both replied at the same time and they answer surprised Lizzie.

„Who taught you that?"

„Mom sang it once when she was cooking."
Quinn explained.

„Yeah it went like this „I'll make love to you, like you want me to." and she was really emotional about it too." Chase sang the lyrics and all Lizzie could do was shake her head in frustration.

„And then she went on with the wooden spoon like „all through the night I'll make love to you."
Kids really do soak up everything, that's what Lizzie was thinking while the twins mocked their mother.

„Okay first off don't mock your mother like this." she demanded but she couldn't hide her amused expression. If she would have had her phone with her she would have filmed them.

„What does making love mean anyway?" Quinn asked as he was smashing the sand in his hands.

„People do that when they really really love each other."

„So I can do it with Chase?"


„Wow mama we are next to you. Don't need to yell." Chase pointed at her ear and Lizzie held her mouth shut for a moment.

„I am sorry. Making love is a romantic act. You do it with someone special that you love romantically. You both have something that's called sibling love. And we all three together have family love. A romantic love is with someone completely different." Lizzie explained to her twins and they looked a bit puzzled.

„Okay you guys know Elsa and Anna right?"

„Oh yes!! Mom always cry's when we watch that movie." Chase informed me.

„Right. It's a sweet story besides your mom is a cry baby."

„You cried too." Quinn exposed Lizzie and she staid silent for a moment.

„Moving on!" was all she added.

„What is the love Elsa has for her Anna?"

„Siblings?" Chase answers in a questioning way.

„Exactly! and what is the love Kristoff has for Anna?" she asked and they had a a puzzled expression resting on their faces.


„Great job Quinn!" they both high five.

„And my love for mom is romantic and also many other types of love. But we are in a relationship already."

„Okay cool so you make love to mom?" Quinn asked innocently and Lizzie rubbed her eyes in frustration.

„Yes Quinn. But this isn't te whole point I was trying to make."

„What is it then?" Chase asked as she was handing Lizzie some sand over to sign her that she should make a sand cake too.

„So there are a lot of stages of people who are in a romantic relationship. And your mom and I are currently girlfriends." Lizzie started and they listened while they had their eyes fixated on the sand.

„And the other stage is engaged. That is when someone asks the other to become their partner forever because they love them so much."

„Why don't you go into that stage with mom? Don't you wanna love her forever?"

„Oh honey I do. I just wanted to ask if you both agree on that. If it is okay for you both that I become your moms forever partner. As in a wife."

„Would that make you our forever mama then?"
Chase asked and tears came to Lizzie's eyes.

„If you want that then yes! I will always be your mama no matter what. But when I marry your mom this means I will be officially be your mama."

„That's cool. You were our mama anyways already."
Quinn told Lizzie and a tear dropped onto the already soaked sand.

„I love you both so much you know that right?"

„I love you too mama." Chase answered.

„Me to mama. I love you." Quinn added as he was about to take a hand full of sand into his mouth but Lizzie stopped him immediately.

„Sweetheart this cake is for decoration not for eating. It's sand. If you want real cake I can make you some later." she told him and he nod letting the sand slide off his hand.

„So when will you ask mom to be your wife?"
Chase questioned her mama.

„I already did and so did she. You see." Lizzie pointed out the emerald green gold engagement ring.

„Wow that is beautiful." Chase answered amazed.

„Is that moms way on saying yes??" Quinn asked.

„It's my way on saying yes. Because it's the ring your mom gifted me when she asked and she has one too."

„The same one?" Chase asked and Lizzie shook her head.

„No your mom has one that matches her beautiful brown eyes."

„Matching eyes color rings are awesome. That's a cool idea." Chase answered cheerfully.

„It is isn't it?"

„Will someone love me the way you love mom?"
Chase asked as she looked at the ring while stroking over it with her tiny finger.

„I am sure there is someone out there who will love you in the same way. This all takes time darling."

Lizzie felt at ease as she officially has the permission to marry Nora. Even if they could just get married, Lizzie still wanted to ask the twins because they are Nora's children just as much as they are hers by now. But asking them, even though Lizzie already asked Nora to become her wife feels like a whole circle moment for her.


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