Beautiful moment

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Nora POV

It is 10 pm. We decided to have a walk before it gets dark outside but we are back home by now.
We lit the candles around the living and sat down on the sofa cuddled up.

Not really cuddling but I am resting my head on Lizzie's thigh while she is reading a book. The TV is off because I'd rather watch her do anything instead of wasting my eye sight on anything else.

„Don't you wanna watch anything on TV?"
She asked me as she kept her eyes on her book. Looks like she felt my eyes on her.

„Nah. I'd rather admire you." I told her bluntly and a smile formed on her gorgeous lips. She closed the book and looked down on me.

„Am I that much of a beauty?" she asked me insecure and I nod eagerly.

„You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on love."

„Oh come on."

„What it's true." I added thoughtfully.

„You just say it cause I am your girlfriend." she told me but I shook my head at her assumption.

„Are you shitting me? No I'm not just saying it cause you are my girlfriend.You really are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. Inside out. You are genuine, kindhearted, caring, loving, funny, hot, just gorgeous." I listed up the first things come to my mind even though she is way more than just that.

„I love you babe." she told me with a huge smile. She leaned down and kissed my forehead while stroking my hair.

„Isn't it crazy how we ended up together?" she asked after some silence rested between us.

„It is. I still can't believe it when I wake up sometimes. It feels surreal to have you next to me."

„After you faked your death I could have never imagined to be with you."

„Wait. You did imagine it when I was alive?"
I asked her and she held in for a moment.

„At some point I thought about it. I thought about some what if's. What could have been when we met in different circumstances. In a different time. While we were both single."

„How did you picture our life together?" I asked her being genuinely curious about what she was imagining.

„To be honest.. I pictured it exactly like this." she looked around and then back to me.

„Really? You imagined that we would have kids together?" I asked and she laughed lightly while nodding.

„Oh yes. Three to be specific. But hey I am the happiest woman alive to have two we can raise together."

„Three kids? Are you crazy? I can't even imagine handling ours sometimes."

„That's because you faced the challenge to raise kids on your own for years. Even twins which is even harder. But you are not alone anymore."

„Right this is really something that needs to sink into my head."


„That I am not alone. That I have you here with me."

„Always babe. Always and for all time." she told me and I couldn't help myself but to grin from ear to ear.

„If you want a third kid we can get one." I told her out of the blue not even knowing if we would be ready for a third kid. Cause let's be honest.. Chestnut feels like a third kid already.

„Wow that came out of the blue."

„I mean you suggested it."

„I didn't suggest it. This was just how I imagined our life together."

„Then why not make it our reality? We can fulfill that wish of yours."

„Do you really want a third kid?"

„I want one if you do."

„I don't know babe. This is a huge responsibility I mean.. how are we gonna.."

„Well sadly I can't say „LETS MAKE A KID NOW"
Cause y'know we only have pussy power."

„God you idiot!" she pushed my shoulder playfully but at least I could make her laugh. I absolutely adore seeing her laugh.

„Sadly we can't do that. But we live in a modern world by now and I think there are options to get a kid. We can foster at first to see how it works. Or we can adopt immediately." I told her and she seemed a bit sad about what I said and I didn't realize it until it clicked.

„Oh I remember now." I sat myself up and turned myself to face her correctly.

„You wanted to experience pregnancy." I added and she hummed.

„It's okay babe. This is a difficult process and it is really difficult to make it work. To even find a good donor is extremely hard. We don't have to put ourselves up with this complicated thing. We are already moms besides. It could be hard for Chase and Quinn to get a new sibling."

„Love. Listen. There is nothing „to complicated" to not manage. We've been through a lot of things and this is definitely something we can handle and it is a beautiful thing if it works. Besides. The kids would love another sibling for sure. So they can finally take in the „older sibling" role they both want to play so desperately."

„I won't rush you to do anything. I just want to let you know that if you really want to we can get a baby and if you decide other wise I am also here for that. A 100% I will be right next to you with every decision you make."

„God I love you more and more every single day this is insane."

„Well what can I say. I am a lady's woman."
I replied and she rolled her eyes.

„Not me trying to be sentimental and sensitive and you need to rub your cockiness in."

„I'm sorry love. Those comments just slip sometimes."

„It's alright babe. I love you regardless. Remember I love that whole package of you." she told me as she pulled me in by face to kiss me.

„Love you too." I replied in between our kiss.

„And thank you for being so thoughtful and patient with me."

„Of course Love. You are just as patient with me."
I answered and as I rested my head on her shoulder my phone started to ring.

„You wanna pick that up?" she asked me as she pointed to my vibrating phone.

„No. Not yet. Just give me one more moment.
I don't wanna know who is disturbing us."
I told her and the phone stopped ringing.

„See? I can keep on enjoying my beautiful silence with my beautiful girlfriend."

„You sure about that?" she asked in a chuckle as my phone started to ring again making me get up whining to see who it is.


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